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50 funny Sundanese words and their meanings, laugh!

Need funny Sundanese words and their meanings? Jaka has this collection of funny Sundanese words for you to make a status on WhatsApp or FB.

For the fathers of Priangan who want to update their status using a funny Sundanese language, but are confused about what to write, Jaka has a lot for you to copy.

These funny words are really suitable for you to use for WA, FB status, or just to joke with other friends who understand Sundanese language.

Sundanese has indeed become one of the regional languages ​​that is widely known in Indonesia because Sundanese land is often used as a destination for wandering.

Funny Sundanese words and their meanings

Funny Sundanese words and their meanings that Jaka has collected in this article, you can immediately copy and display as status, so that it looks even cooler.

Humor has become the most universal language, so if you want to get along with your Sundanese social media friends, often post funny Sundanese statuses.

Curious about what funny Sundanese words are suitable for social media status? Here is more information.

Funny Sundanese WA Status

For those who have a lot of Sundanese contacts, this funny Sundanese WA status can really be used to get to know them even more.

But talking about singing ngareunaheun, the whispers in my garden are quick.

If you talk about it, it's good, I'm afraid I'll wash your face with oil.

Hampura pulse maneh teu mahi keur looked at the photo of uing.

Sorry you don't have enough credit to see my photos.

Is Ari, Jelema or a calculator? Meni henteu won wrong.

Are you a person or a calculator? How can it not be wrong?

Mun aya nu wants us, bejakeun: we save money on google.

If someone is looking for me, say: search me on Google.

Ek pocketmaha wae beuratna pagawean, it will be empty but it will stop at the pigawean.

No matter how hard the work is, it will be light if you don't do it.

CLBK = Try Seagrass Boga Kabogoh.

CLBK = Try Seagrass (If) Catering (Have) Kabogoh (Girlfriend).

Ceuk Umi has to be patient, do some salto loba.

Umi said to have a lot of patience, not a lot of somersaults.

Sanes animal lover Nyai teh? Atos said Anjeuna was a crocodile, but I still know that Salira is being kept alive.

You're an animal lover, aren't you? I knew he was a crocodile, but he still didn't hold on to it.

Inhale mah tong plate teuing wa, da maneh jelem tea. Another jidar.

Life is not too straight man, you are a person not a ruler.

Me without you is like sangu koneng leungit Karetna, amburadulll!

Me without you is like yellow rice that has lost its rubber, it's a mess!!

Funny Sundanese FB Status

For those who want a funny Sundanese FB status, Jaka has prepared a collection of statuses that are guaranteed to make your friends laugh.like.

It's better if Lila is single, and then she's married. Instead of lila bobogahan, but married Batur.

It's better to be single for a long time and get married, than to be in a relationship for a long time but get married to someone else.

Nu ngarana life is an ordeal. Mun loba saweran eta ngarana dangdutan.

The thing called life is a lot of trials, if there are many sawerans it's dangdut.

I don't want to take a shower, so that it looks naturally beautiful.

Deliberately not taking a shower, to look naturally beautiful.

I'm impatient to cause food to hate. Try seagrass food. Geus in the balangkeun batuna kana beungeut sia.

I'm patient because I have a heart, if you have a stone, I'll throw it in your face.

The problem is that it's been extended, there's another STNK.

The problem should not be extended, because it is not a STNK.

Breathing must be loba seuri, so that the view is that it is tea bagja, aka happy. Even though I hate keur notog titajong bleksek.

Life has to laugh a lot, so it looks happy. Even though the heart feels like it is falling, being kicked, and injured.

My servant is jalmina ciceun, upami has the guts and rarely talks.

I'm a quiet person, when I'm alone I rarely talk.

The sound of GLUDUKS is JEDAR JEDER like MERCON.

The Sounds of PETIR is JEDAR JEDER like MERCON.

Breathe in the loba kahayang lur, but it's going to be a bit old-fashioned.

Life is not too much desire, if you still ask the parents.

Still charming, even though ulin kaditu, ulin kadieu, without a partner.

Still charming, even though playing here and there without a partner.

Funny Sundanese Language About Love

For those who want to tease Doi, who is a Sundanese, you can use these funny Sundanese words about love to make him smile and knead.

Wow, I'm also dumbfounded. Seagrass in udag-udag, hese. But seagrass geus nangkarak, oseh-osehan.

Girls are like cockroaches, it's hard to chase them. But if you're on your back, you can't stay still.

Nginjeum Kabogoh lah, sapoe we atuh. Weekend Night. Borrow a girlfriend, just one day. Have a weekend night.

Love AA, bro, sorry for the leungit-leungit sanajan AA geus will marry deui.

My love for you will not fade, even though I have remarried.

But in the wake of the bobogohan kedah is like a chemistry class. Sanes hangkul theory, nanging kedah aya practice oge.

If in love it should be like chemistry lessons. It's not just theory, you have to practice it too.

It must be painful to break up, leuwih peurih deui break up because it's being pushed by the individual babaturan.

It must be painful to break up, especially if you break up because your friends have been cornered by you.

Women prefer good fried men to proprietary fried men.

Women prefer men who are ugly in appearance than those who have bad fortune.

Ari lila teuing is pretentious when I overtake Batur. Gancang teuing pretentious is considered hereuy. When teu lila teuing teu is nervous, teuing talks comfortably as a friend.

If it takes too long, PDKT likes to be overtaken by people. Too soon like to be considered a joke. It's not too long, it's not too fast. I just said it was comfortable as a friend.

Mun boga kabogoh babari ambek, tangkeup tuluy ceulina harewosan: Ari sia is a descendant of Angry Birds.

If you have a boyfriend who gets angry quickly, hug him and whisper in his ear: Are you a descendant of Angry Birds?

Hese ari is stupid, you are stupid. Siga meuli sabatang cigarettes at Indomaret, sorry for waro.

It's hard to like someone who doesn't like it. It's like buying a single cigarette at Indomaret, you won't be served.

One day you will realize that you are the gem that you created.

One day you will realize that I am the gem you threw away.

Sundanese Funny Gokil

Want to look humorous, while at the same time shocking you, who are your ancestors, laughing and laughing. Use these funny Sundanese words, so that you become a humorous figure.

Gusti tebihkeun kuring tina various kinds of sapertos fried foods: gehu, cireng, bala-bala, jeung sajabana. Amen.

Oh my god, I'm far from fried (ugly) things like: gehu, cireng, bala-bala, and so on. Amen.

But if I ask, aing keur naon? Bejakeun, aing keur lieur!

If someone asks what am I doing? Say I'm dizzy!

Life is simple, don't make it pagujud & muringkel if it's hairy!

Life is simple, don't make it complicated and curly like armpit hairs!

Yesterday, I took a bath, when I looked at it, it's sweet, oh, we're tamas

At first I wanted to take a shower, when I looked at it it was still cute. Just wash your face.

I'm sad when I read tragedy novels, I'm sad when I read a savings book.

You're sad when you read tragedy novels, I'm sad when you read my savings book.

Breath must also electric poles. Relaxing, strong, big oge but big upstream, aya nu noel saeutik modar tah cassetterum!

Life should be like an electric pole. Relaxed, strong, tall, but not arrogant. When someone pokes a little, you'll be electrocuted to death!

Moal ceurik I love, calm weh da kuring mah incu Betmen.

I won't cry for love, don't worry because I'm Batman's grandson.

Tong admits he's just a man, but when he says he can feel fast, he's fast.

Don't admit that you're a real man if you didn't feel the pinch when you were little.

Urang bageur ayeuna is rare, 3KG gas alert.

Good people are now rare, like 3KG LPG gas.

From now on I want to add cement, so it's strong.

From now on I want to snack on semen, so it's strong.

Funny Sundanese Words of Wisdom

Want to look smart, but want to look funny too? It's very fitting. These funny Sundanese words of wisdom can be the solution.

The real babaturan manehna and so pretends to drink money just tara daek mayar.

Friends are people who like to borrow money but never want to pay.

Lur remembers that you can live everything instantly. Mun haying instant ninyuh sarimi weh.

Remember that life is not all instant. If you want instant, just make sarimi.

Stay seuri sanajan hate nalangsa are the characteristics of a great jalma anu, strong acne loba tour.

Keep laughing even though the heart ache, are the characteristics of a great person, strong, and lots of acne.

Waka's behavior is arrogant, but if you can't race a new motorbike on the handlebars, you know.

Don't be arrogant, if you can't race motorbikes while the bike is locked with the handlebars.

But indit sakola kabeurangan kept asking my teacher 'kunaon ai maneh kabeurangan?' Bejakeun weh: 'The play is coming, paneuri.

If you go to school the teacher asks why are you late? Tell me that my hero is the last one to come.

Then I have to do it, then I have to do it. Come on, let's keep going, I'm really a parking attendant.

Then I have to do this, then I have to do that, then am I really a parking attendant?

Hese mah tong kabawa hees.

It's hard not to sleep.

Aya kahayang, just henteu jeung, together with me, I try to make a fool of myself.

If there is a will but not accompanied by effort, it's the same as joking.

Breathing is the act of fashion style, but you have to earn money.

Life is not a lot of style, but a lot of money.

Be patient bro, luck is blessing, it's just that sometimes it's a case of pretending to overtake on a date.

Be patient bro, fortune always follows. It's just that sometimes it's hard to overtake from the left.

That's a collection of funny Sundanese words that you can use for Facebook, WhatsApp, or other social media status materials.

Humor is always able to make the atmosphere more comfortable, and make a sad heart bright again.

Hopefully the information that Jaka shares this time is useful for all of you, and see you again in the next articles.

Also read articles about Words or other interesting articles from Restu Wibowo.

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