Tech Hack

8 smart tips to avoid hacker attacks

Hacker attacks are difficult to detect, but there are tips to avoid them. Come on, find out what!

Attack hacker Cyber ​​attacks can take many forms, from stealing personal data to completely taking control of your device.

Unfortunately, some people don't realize if their device is exposed hack or not, it's because of the attack hacker usually difficult to detect.

An understanding of what cybercrime is and how it attacks hacker may occur, is the basic knowledge required to protect your own personal data.

Tips to Avoid Attacks Hackers

Attack hacker and cyber crime (cyber crime) we can actually avoid. However, unfortunately there are still many people out there who lack awareness about this.

Either it's because they don't know how to avoid it or maybe they don't care about the dangers of attacks hacker.

Therefore, in this article, ApkVenue will give you some tips to avoid attacks hacker, so that your personal data remains safe, gang!.

1. Don't Share Your Personal Data Carelessly

The first tips you should do to avoid attacks hacker is to keep your personal data safe when using the internet.

Never enter any personal data unless you have made sure that the website is secure.

The easiest way to find out if a website is safe or not, is to see the letter "s" in the URL of the web you are visiting.

A secure website has a starting URL //, while if it has a URL // means the website is not safe.

2. Use a VPN

VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a connection service that allows you to visit a website safely and private.

VPN works by changing the connection path through server and hide the data exchange that occurs.

Therefore, hacker will find it difficult to 'sniff' your data information or know what you are doing on the internet.

Currently there are lots of VPN applications available on the internet, Google Play Store, and AppStore for free.


3. Turn off WiFi or Bluetooth Networks When Not In Use

Without you knowing, attack hacker can also occur over the network WiFi or Bluetooth which is constantly on.

So make sure the network WiFi or Bluetooth you are disabled when not in use.

Because it can prevent your device from automatically connecting to an unsecured network without you knowing it.

4. Use Fake Security Question Answers

You must have been asked to make a security question (Security Question) when you create a certain account, right?

Most people will make an answer Security Question correct so that it is easy to remember.

Apparently, giving the correct answer to answer a Security Question it can actually make your account insecure, gang.

Especially if you make Security Question the answer is easy to know, such as the name of the parents, the name of the school, and so on.

This is due to the presence of a website called Whitepages which can find out a person's name, phone number, or even home address.

So, ApkVenue suggests that you make a fake answer to answer Security Question, gang.

5. Enable Full Disk Encryption On Computer

Full Disk Encryption (FDE) is a method for encrypting hard drives such that all data on drive always encrypted, without using third-party encryption solutions.

By activating this feature, your personal data information on your computer will remain safe even if your computer is lost or stolen.

6. Use password complex

Use password numeric or pattern that is too easy is very possible for hacker break into your device easily.

use password complex, such as a mixture of numbers, capital letters, and symbols to increase the risk of being attacked hacker Getting lower.

7. Don't Use Password Same for All Accounts

You are still using password the same for all your social media accounts?

Jaka suggests you better change it right now, gang. Because if one of your accounts is attacked hacker, then it is possible that all of your accounts will be hacked.

Surely you don't want that to happen to you?

8. Check Permissions Application Before-Install

When you want to install an application, a dialog will appear App Permissions, contains a description of what access is given to the application you want to use install.

Always check what access permissions are granted and make sure the application you want install it does not access unnecessary information.

For example, the coloring application that you will install ask for access to your cellphone contacts, then you should be suspicious, gang.

Why do coloring apps need access to phone contacts? Yes, right?

Those were some tips from Jaka to avoid attacks hacker. It might sound trivial, gang, but the effect is pretty good stress, you know.

So, you must always be vigilant, yes, when you want to enter your personal data information, gang!

Always pay attention and don't just give access permissions that you think don't make sense.

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