short film

17 of the best short films of all time|must watch!

Recommendations for the best short films that you can watch for free, safe to watch during your short free time. Complete with a brief review.

Do you like watching movies at the cinema? How about short film?

Basically, short films are just like any other film shown in theaters. It's just that the duration of the film is shorter. The storyline given by the short film also tends to be more straight to the point.

However, the short films that are usually shown at film festivals have a more unique story and end with plot twist which astonished the audience.

So, what short films can surprise you? Jaka has prepared a list of the best short films that you must watch. Let's see the full list!

The 10 Best Short Films of All Time

You can watch the films that ApkVenue lists for free and of course legal. You just click play on the video that has been provided in each film.

If you want a film marathon, you can also see the list of the best action films that Jaka has prepared for you. All you have to do is click on the article below:


You can also jump to movies according to your favorite category via list of contents on.

Best Short Film Recommended by ApkVenue

1. The Present

Film The Present It tells of a gift given to a child by his parents. However, the child who was playing this game was not interested in the prize.

What made him disinterested? Watch the movie, guys!

2. One Small Step

The next best short film that Jaka recommends is One Small Step. Tells the story of a father's love for his son who likes astronomy.

The child grows up and tries hard to achieve his dream of becoming an astronaut. Is he capable? Watch the movie until it's finished, get ready tissue too guys!

Horror Short Film

1. A Mother's Love

Raising people's stories about the ghost of Wewe Gombel, Joko Anwar has released a horror short film entitled A Mother's Love. The story begins with a mother and her child who find a number of small children living in the attic of a luxurious house.

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While rescuing, they realized that the group of children were the stepson of the Wewe Gombel. You can watch this short film on HBO GO on Android for free, guys.

Movie Duration48 Minutes
DirectorJoko Anwar
PlayerMarissa Anita, Muzakki Ramdhan

2. Lights Out

Surely you know the title of this film, Lights Out starting from a film that tells the story of a woman who was turning off the lights in the hallway of her house and suddenly there was a shadow of someone in the dark. However, strangely the creature disappeared when the light was turned on.

Movie Duration2.42 Minutes
DirectorDavid Sandberg
PlayerLotta Losten

3. Don't Stare

Don't Stare tells the story of a teenager who just came home from his grandmother's house and brought an old TV. However, he is harassed by a mysterious girl from outside his house.

He feels terrorized by the existence of the mysterious girl, does the existence of an old TV bring terror to him? Watch the short film now.

Movie Duration8.02 Minutes
DirectorEvan Sparks
PlayerNicole Celine, Rashaad Martin

4. Peephole

Peephole tells the story of a man who is sleeping in his apartment alone. Suddenly a knock came from the entrance, he approached and looked outside using the peephole or peephole and noticed something odd.

What's the oddity? Watch the video now.

Movie Duration3.43 Minutes
ProductionJash Pictures, Inc
PlayerTeam Lueke

5. Tap

Tap is a film that tells the story of a woman who is sleeping and is awakened by a knock from outside her house.

Strange things happened when he searched for the source of the sound which actually led to a scary incident.

Movie Duration2.57 Minutes
DirectorDave Bundtzen
PlayerKatherine Celio, Mike Dinsmore


6. Bloody Mary

Who does not know the story Bloody Mary, a female ghost with a scary face and long nails. The story in this film also tells about a woman who wants to call the Bloody Mary to be uploaded on social media.

Did the plan to summon the Bloody Mary work? Let's watch the story.

Movie Duration7.40 Minutes
ProductionGM FILM
PlayerChaithra, Ajay

7. The Quiet Zone

The Quiet Zone is a film that tells about a woman who is followed by a mysterious man with hands full of sharp objects.

How is the story of the woman to escape from this mysterious man? let's just watch the short film.

Movie Duration8.42 Minutes
DirectorAndrew Ionides
PlayerJessica Bayly, Kasey Iliana, Sfetsios

8. Don't Look Away

Next is the movie Don't Look Away, tells the story of a girl who saw a man with his head covered with a cloth on his head standing in the garden of the house.

Surprisingly, only the girl can see. Will the girl be terrorized? Let's see the film!

Movie Duration8.19 Minutes
DirectorChristopher Cox
PlayerSabrina Twyla, Danny Roy, Jim Marshall, Charlie McCarthy

9. I Heard It Too

I Heard It Too is a short film that tells the story of a child and his mother at home at night. When the child was about to sleep, he heard his mother calling his name.

Surprisingly, the mother approached him and said she heard it too. Then who called the child? Watch the movie now guys!

Movie Duration8.23 Minutes
DirectorMatt Sears, Team Knight
PlayerNina Beagley, Rowena Beagley, Sophie Juge

10. Crack

Lastly is a short film Crack, this film tells of a grandmother who is watching TV alone at her house. Then a strange sound came from underground, the grandmother went to the source of the sound.

What happened next? Let's watch the movie, guys.

Movie Duration2.30 Minutes
DirectorElizabeth Dean

Best Funny Short Films

1. Lie Detector

If you have this short film, you must watch it when you are late, guys, Lie Detector tells the story of an office employee who is tested in a lie detector.

However, the questions asked are very unique and able to turn the stomach. Don't believe it? Watch the film live!

2. The Translator

The next is The Translator, tells the story of Rachel who longs for Ben. However, Ben is very infatuated with Claire who is a woman from France.

Ben also asked Rachel to translate his conversation with Claire. What happened? Makes you laugh guys!

3. Is this free?

The next comedy film is Is This Free?

Of course it's not a question from Jaka, but the title of the film is like that. Tells the story of a man named Luka who questions everything with "Is this free?"

One day he finds the answer to his question that makes you laugh out loud. What's that? Just watch the movie, guys!

Best Romantic Short Films

1. Leonard In Slow Motion

The first romantic short film that you must watch is Leonard In Slow Motion. Tells the story of a man named Leonard.

Uniquely, Leonard can only move slow motion while the environment is running as usual. What can he do to be normal?

Watch the film now!

2. Octapod

Well, movie Octapod This story is about love between 2 octopuses in a fish seller's aquarium.

However, the female octopus was brought by her owner to be sold. Suddenly the male octopus chased the seller to save his lover. Did he manage to save her?

That's a list of the best short films that you must watch on the sidelines of your time for free, which one do you think is the best? If Jake chooses A Mother's Love Definitely!

Write your opinion in the comments column, don't forget to give like and share This article. See you in the next article guys!

Also read articles about horror movies or other interesting articles from Daniel Cahyadi.

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