
should I remove the battery from the laptop to make it last longer?

We unpack and answer all the questions that you, loyal laptop users, must have thought about. Should you remove the laptop battery to make it last longer?

Does removing the laptop battery and using only electricity have a risk to the laptop's durability? Or is it dangerous, installing a battery but at the same time still using electricity, even though the battery is full?

Through this article, we will unpack and answer all the questions that you, loyal laptop users, must have thought about. Should you remove the laptop battery to make it last longer?

  • Should I Unplug the HP Charger When Not In Use?
  • 5 Tips for Caring for Non-Removable Laptop Batteries to Make It Last
  • Can I Charge a Smartphone with Another Smartphone Charger?
  • 8 Myths of Android HP Battery That You Believe Even If It's Wrong (Part 1)

Should I Remove the Laptop Battery? How Does It Work?

Laptop batteries that are widely circulated today are of the following types: Li-Ion or Lithium-Ion and works by flowing ions from the anode to the cathode through the electrolyte and separator. The process will definitely work when you use the battery, and of course it will produce energy which causes the battery to gradually decrease. When you do the process charge, the energies will make the ions that have previously moved from the anode to the cathode to be turned back to their original place. This is what makes your battery recharged.

However, all these processes will slowly weaken. Ions will be trapped at the Anode and this is what we usually call ** battery leak ** because it quickly drains with age. In fact, even the capacity of the battery has begun to slowly decrease starting from the first time the battery was made. In addition, the battery will also leak quickly if it experiences 5 conditions as described in the article entitled: Here Are 5 Factors That Make Your HP Battery Lost Strength.

Removing the Laptop Battery to Last?

The simple answer is YES, you have to do it to make the battery last. However, there are several factors to consider regarding this issue. You should never unplug the laptop battery when the laptop is in use, even when the power cord is plugged in. This action poses a fairly dangerous risk, for the laptop and its users.

How to Keep Laptop Battery Performance Optimal

In addition, the following points are also worthy of your attention in order to maintain optimal laptop battery performance, not just having to remove the laptop battery:

  • Do not drain the battery to less than 20%.
  • Drain battery up to 20% periodically, then charge until full. Do this every few weeks.
  • Charge at the correct voltage or lower.
  • Although modern laptops can cut off electricity when the battery is full, it's best not to leave the battery plugged in, in order to avoid exposure to heat from the laptop which can reduce battery performance.
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