
7 cool ways to make yourself look like a pro hacker

Here are some simple tricks that can be done to make you look like a professional hacker in front of your friends.

Become a professional hacker is a dream for some. Even so, studying smelly things hacker is quite a difficult activity.

Finally, they use some tricks to make their friends believe that they are a hacker, like the following tricks.

Reporting from Prophethacker, here are some simple tricks you can do to make you look like a professional hacker in front of your friends.

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Unique Ways to Look Like a Hacker

1. Type Like a Hacker

Photo: Prophethacker

One site is not important but can eliminate boredom, HackerTyper, suitable for those of you who want to be seen writing scripts hacker style.

On this site, you only need to type origin and automatically hacker-style writing will appear on the screen. Want to try it right away? You can visit the HackerTyper site.

2. Changing CMD Color

Photo: Prophethacker

You can change the color of the CMD (Command Prompt) to look like a hacker in the movies and then write some hacker-style CMD scripts.

how to change color, font and the size in CMD is with right click > Properties, then change it to your liking.

3. Steal Password from Google Chrome

Photo: Prophethacker

Google Chrome has a feature called Save Password. This feature will save various password moment login (if the user does save it).

To access these features, you can directly type this in the column address bar.


That way everything password which your friends save you can get.

4. Change the "Star" Password to Plain Text

Photo: Prophethacker

You can also change password what your friend wrote in the form of "stars" (asterisk) became normal writing.

To do this, right click > inspect element > then change input type="password" to input type="text". Automatically password will be seen.

5. Create a Simple Virus with Notepad

The next way to look like a hacker is to create a simple computer virus.

Currently the JalanTikus team has provided various ways that can be done to create a simple computer virus using Notepad.

You can try to create a virus with Notepad in the following ways:

  • 5 Hacking Scripts to Create a Simple Virus with Notepad
  • How to Make a Simple Computer Virus Here's the Solution (Part 1)
  • How to Make a Simple Computer Virus Here's the Solution (Part 2)
  • How to Make a Simple Computer Virus Here's the Solution (Part 3)
  • How to Make a Simple Computer Virus Here's the Solution (Part 4)
  • How to Make a Simple Computer Virus Here's the Solution (Part 5)

6. Install Keylogger

Photo: Prophethacker

Keylogger is a software hackers usually use to record various types of typing that occur on the victim's keyboard.

To find out what Keylogger is and how to install it, you can read the following article: How to Install Keylogger.

7. Bypassing Other People's Internet Connection

Photo: Prophethacker

The way to look like other hackers is to cut other people's Internet connection. You can disconnect their Internet connection using software the following.

With the disconnection, of course the victim cannot access the Internet on the device he is using. How to? You can read one of the following articles:

  • How to Disconnect Other People's WiFi Internet Connection with Android
  • How to Disconnect Other People's WiFi and LAN Internet Connections Via Computer

Those are 7 unique ways to make you look like hacker in the eyes of your friends. If you have another way, don't forget to share in the comments column.

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