
anti-aliasing and 6 other gaming terms you should know

There are some people who do not know the terms in the game. Well, here Jaka reviews some important terms to know.

You all must have played games, both traditional games, modern games, PC games, Android games, and many other games. While playing, you come to know about Options or called Arrangement. Well, the Options allow you to change settings such as display, sound, graphics, and so on.

But maybe there are some people who don't know the terms in the game that you should know. Well, actually you should know the term gaming This is because it is concerned with performance and comfort when playing games. So, on this occasion, ApkVenue explained some terms in gaming that gamers must know. Check out the full review!

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Anti-Aliasing and 6 Other Gaming Terms You Must Know


The first term in the game is resolution or resolution. Who doesn't know resolution? Yes, maybe some people don't know but this is something you should know. In general, the resolution is the number that determines the size pixels which will be displayed on the monitor. However, specifically resolution is a lot pixels that will appear on the PC screen, and determine the overall quality of the image that will appear. All monitors have sizes defaulteach such as 800x600, 1024x720, 1080x720, 1440x900, and many more. Numbers on the left such as "1366" indicate the width of the screen, and the right "768" indicates the height of the screen.

For those of you who sometimes see there is another number next to the screen size, for example 30 Fps, or 60 Fps, it is a number that shows how much frames/sec that your monitor can display. If you're curious, you can check it out here. Resolution is also something that affects performance in games. Why? Because the bigger the resolution, the harder the process will be rendering the image, which resulted in the full VGA memory being the cause lag on games.

Texture Quality

Term gaming next is texture quality or texture quality. This is something that affects the beauty of the environment in the game. It's called beauty because the better the texture in the game, the better the game you play real, neat, beautiful, and looks good when played.

Most games have quality settings or texture quality the same but sometimes some games have slightly varying settings. But for sure, the higher the quality setting, the smoother the game environment you play. It will take up a lot of space on your VGA and of course can be the cause lag.


Before discussing Anti-Aliasing, anyone already know the meaning of aliasing? Yes, aliasing are fine lines that occur as a result of low resolution images, resulting in pixels which is less dense and causes less fine lines. So, so anti-aliasing is anti so it doesn't happen aliasing. There are 2 types of anti-aliasing used in the game are:

  • Spatial Anti-aliasing: Anti-aliasing This method uses therendering images or graphics at the highest resolution and then converted to the resolution you are using. This will cause the image/frames displayed in the game in the form of images /frames which is at a higher resolution than the resolution you are using. Anti-aliasing only affects the line around the object. It usually has a choice of settings such as MSAA (Multisample Anti-Aliasing) and SSAA (Super Sample Anti-Aliasing, also known as FSAA or Full Screen Anti-Aliasing).

  • Post-Processing Anti-aliasing: Anti-aliasing This method uses the method of smoothing the edges of the image after the image is rendered.rendering or processed. What is smoothed is all pixels in the game, including shaders, and have some settings like Nvidia's FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing), TXAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing), SMAA, and AMD's MLAA (Morphological Anti-Aliasing).

Most games do not have a setting to select the anti-typealiasing which one to use. So, to change it you can rely on VGA drivers yours to set the anti-typealiasing that you want to use.


VSync or Vertical Synchronization function to sync output fps (frames per second) of the game you are playing with the fps of your monitor. This aims to prevent tearing of the image displayed on the PC screen. For example, your screen has a fps of 60 but the game you are playing has an average fps of 90 to 100. Well, this unbalanced fps will cause the image to split suddenly while you are playing the game.

However, please also note that VSync, which can reduce image splitting when playing this game, has its drawbacks. This VSync will slow down the performance of the game you are playing and will cause the game you are playing sometimes to be affected lag. Eits, but take it easy! Now that's a lot drivers VGA which provides a feature to launch VSync while playing games. For example, Nvidia's G-Sync and AMD's FreeSync, which can reduce lag caused by VSync.

But using the VSync feature with drivers VGA, also has a requirement that the GPU and screen must be compatible. Therefore, it's better for you to turn off Vsync to enjoy a smoother game even though sometimes the image splits suddenly.


In-game terms Tessellation has an important function as well because it can give a more real effect in the game. Why? because tessellation works to help GPU or graphics card find additional indentations in the textured surface that will give the effect of bumps such as stairs, bumps on the ground, and so on.

But need to know, tessellation this will greatly drain the VGA memory. So, the games you play again have to feel lag. For those of you who have super computer specs, maybe this will beautify your gaming experience. However, for those of you who have mediocre specs, you can only surrender. Ha ha ha.

Ambient Occlusion

Term gaming next is ambient occlusion. This serves to provide shadows to give a realistic impression on the objects in the game. Therefore, this setting is sometimes separated from shadow because it's different from shadow, ambient occlusion it just adds dark and light in some parts that the shadows and light in the game don't reach.

Effect from ambient occlusion It's not very noticeable if you don't pay close attention to your surroundings in the game. However, the effect is quite pronounced because the shadows of objects in the game look more realistic. But don't worry, this effect doesn't drain your VGA too much. So, it's up to you whether you want to use it or not.

Anisotropic Filtering

Anisotropic Filtering effect to reduce the amount of texture blur in the game and soften it so that the texture seen from afar will be the same as when seen up close. Before Anisotropic Filtering is active, Bi or Tri-linear filtering will activate first and cause the graphics to drop remotely.

On the other hand, Anisotropic Filtering will duplicate the texture from a close distance and use it from a distance to keep the texture looking similar. The effect is that textures seen from afar will look the same as up close. But remember, you also have to know your abilities device you. Don't be too forced to use high graphics, especially if your VGA is lacking. Later it could even explode. Hehehe.


How to Adjust Game Graphics with One Click

Usually it is very difficult to adjust the graphics settings in the game, especially if you have to try them one by one, well, it can be a hassle later. Well, here Jaka tells you a quick way, that is, you just need to set it up via your VGA application and choose which settings you will use, such as:

Screenshot of Game Graphics Settings on AMD

  • Performance: It means smooth performance.
  • Balanced: Balancing performance and graphics quality in games.
  • Quality: To make your game on the level of amazingly beautiful and amazing pictures lagit's for those who have mediocre specs.

Screenshot of Game Graphic Settings in NVidia

If you live at Nvidia Click Optimize and your game will be very smooth. If you want good graphics, you settings in ultra and your game will look very beautiful and real. Well, hopefully Jaka's explanation can add to your insight about the terms in the game.

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