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almost never got married! 7 ridiculous things Naruto has ever done

Did you know that Naruto almost didn't get married because he wasn't sensitive? Find out what stupid things have been done by Naruto.

Naruto is one of the most popular anime ever made in this century.

The anime, which tells the story of the journey of a boy who could do nothing to become Hokage, managed to attract the attention of many anime fans.

Despite acting as the main character, Naruto is depicted as a child who often does stupid things.

7 Ridiculous Things Naruto Ever Did

Naruto's stupidity is deliberately often raised to make the story in this anime less serious and eventually becomes boring.

Some of the silly actions performed by Naruto are even more famous than the serious scenes in the anime.

What are some of the most ridiculous things Naruto has ever done? Here's more information.

1. Doodling on the Hokage's Face

Photo source: humanityisaboutinsanity.blogspot.com

This stupid thing Naruto did become something very iconic in this one action anime because it emerged from the first episode.

The act of scribbling the Hokage's face carved into the mountain at the back of his village is an expression of Naruto's frustration with the figure of the Hokage in his village.

The stupidity of this Naruto when compared to the current situation, like scribbling on a statue of the president in Indonesia.

2. Teach Erotic Kicks to Little Children

Photo source: flickr.com

Although described as a troublemaker character, Naruto became a mentor figure for the grandson of the third Hokage, Konohamaru.

Unfortunately, as a mentor Naruto instead teach moves that are not appropriate to be taught to children.

Naruto deliberately taught Konohamaru how to do erotic moves who turned her into a beautiful woman without clothes.

3. Secret Fart Kick

photo source: youtube.com

Naruto's fight with Kiba in the Cunin exam is one of the most tense battles in the early part of this popular anime.

Naruto and Kiba's fighting tension turn 180 degrees when naruto suddenly gasped, made Kiba retreat and stop his attack.

This ridiculous behavior is precisely save Naruto from defeat because this gave him time to prepare for a counterattack.

4. Disguised So Sasuke So Sakura Kissed

Photo source: narutopedia.com

Natuto and Sasuke's rivalry has indeed become one of the fiercest rivalries in this ninja anime.

Not just a rivalry in being the strongest, Naruto also feels rivaled by Sasuke in his attempt to win Sakura's heart.

Naruto once deliberately disguised himself as Sasuke to get a sweet kiss from Sakura, Naruto even managed to hold Sasuke before doing this disguise.

Sadly, Naruto's attempt failed because of a stomach ache which he suffered after drinking stale milk.

5. Reverse Harem No Jutsu

photo source: coub.com

What would you do against the strongest ninja in the world if you were Naruto? Releasing Rasenggan? Unite with the Kyubi? Combining attacks?

This series of logical choices was not made by Naruto. To make Kaguya trick Naruto instead put out a teaser.

Reverse harem no jutsu is the move where Naruto duplicated himself and posed like a man in an adult magazine.

Fortunately, this tactic managed to catch Kaguya off guard and provide an opportunity for Naruto and his friends to counterattack.

6. Trapping Kakashi

photo source: fanpop.com

What do you do when you meet a teacher who will teach you for the first time?

The answer to this question for Naruto is teasing the teacher to make him feel embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that this teacher is a scary figure who did not hesitate to return his students to the ninja academy again and this made Naruto feel afraid.

Sure enough, in the first lesson with this teacher Naruto was hit with a painful punishment.

7. Late Realizing Hinata's Love

photo source: cbr.com

This last ridiculous thing almost made Naruto lose the figure of a woman who loves him sincerely.

Naruto from the beginning of this ninja anime series is described as always trying to get close to Sakura and not realizing that Hinata has a crush on him.

Throughout this anime, Naruto ignores Hinata's feelings and continues to pursue Sakura, who clearly likes Sasuke.

It took one act of kidnapping that almost took the lives of Naruto and Hinata to make this Hokage candidate realized how much Hinata loves him.

Those are the 7 silly things that the main character of this ninja action anime has done.

Anime by genre Shonen indeed often describe the journey of the main character with a theme from nothing to something.

Despite being the main character, Naruto is not portrayed as someone perfect and often does silly things.

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