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how to save all the passwords you have to your google account

Have multiple social media accounts? Here's how to securely sync all passwords to Google. To be practical and not have to bother typing the user name and password again.

There's nothing wrong with that, password has become an important and inseparable part of our lives. There are so many important things to rely on password as a security system, call it ATM cards, social media accounts, and others. No wonder, if we want keep personal information safe we ​​must create strong passwords.

Passwords must not be easy to guess, the longer the better, use complex combinations, and each social media account must have a different password to avoid attacks. hacker. The question is how can we find a way to remember all the complicated passwords we have created? Yes, we need software to manage passwords securely.

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Easy Ways to Sync All Your Passwords to Google Account

For you Android smartphone users, of course we rely heavily on services from Google. The reason is simple, practical because one account can be used by many Google applications at once. Reporting from Android Authority, here is ApkVenue showing you how to sync all your passwords to a Google account that is directly integrated with Android platform Android and Chrome Browser.

1. Chrome Password Manager

Using Chrome as the default browser on a PC, apparently has many advantages, especially for Android smartphone users. You just log in to the same Google account then all data automatically syncs, including password. You can easily access password stored at //

That way, you don't have to bother memorizing many passwords or typing username and password when you want login. With just one click, it will automatically go to the service you want to use. Make sure when you first log into a certain account, press save password when a notification appears.

2. Smart Lock for Passwords

While Chrome is good at managing passwords, Google is also developing more integrated tools by creating Smart Lock for Passwords which allows your device to automatically sign in to compatible apps. The condition is that you have saved your password in Google Chrome. For example, if you save the password Netflix in Chrome, the Netflix app on the smartphone can automatically login. Pretty awesome, right?

What makes Smart Lock for Passwords The special thing is that it is no longer limited to the browser, but rather is able to work with other Android applications. Of course, the developers should have added support for this feature beforehand. Interested in trying it? You just need to open Google Settings>Smart Lock for Passwords on Android smartphones. Then turn on"Smart Lock for Passwords" and "Auto sign-in". That way, you can open compatible Android applications without having to bother login because it is automatically entered.

3. When Registering a New Service Use a Google Account

New apps on the Google Play Store keep popping up, it's a loss if we don't try new apps or games. Well usually when registering, in addition to using email there are other options such as Facebook, Twitter or Google. If you don't want to bother, just choose to use a Google account. So no need to make username and password new, more practical.

By storing passwords in a Google account, of course the benefits are convenient and very practical. But it is not wise if we rely completely. For some important services, use a different email and password. So is there any reason why we should use password manager third party? If Google already has a good and more reliable service, what do you think?

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