Tech Hack

how to save vn whatsapp

Do you like sending voice notes via Whatsapp and want to save them? Check out Jaka's tips on how to save VN Whatsapp.

Whatsapp is a chat service application or instant messaging which can be used by both Android and iOS users.

In addition to sharing messages in text form, Whatsapp also has other features, ranging from sending pictures, phone calls, video calls, and voice messages or voice notes.

You like to share VN with your friends and they reply with VN again? Have you ever wanted to save the VN, gang?

It's easy, really! You can easily save VN Whatsapp to your smartphone and turn it into music or MP3 to listen to again.

Curious how how to save VN WhatsApp and make it MP3? Just take a look at the following tutorial!

How to save WhatsApp voice notes and turn them into music

How to save voice notes from WA is actually very easy. If you don't know, WhatsApp voice notes are actually automatically stored in smartphone storage.

In other words, you just need to find the storage location and move it to external memory. If you don't know how, check out the explanation below!

Stages of How to Save Whatsapp Voice Notes

Because voice notes are saved automatically, now you just have to look for the storage folder. It's very easy, gang. Follow the steps below!

- Step 1: open Storage Folders or File Manager on your cellphone. If so, look for a folder named Whatsapp. That's where you can save VN from Whatsapp.

- Step 2: After entering the Whatsapp folder, select the folder Media. To find the voice note file, select the folder Whatsapp Voice Notes.

- Step 3: In that folder, you will find many folders sorted by date sent or saved voice note files.

This voice note file has the format .opus and unfortunately it can't be played through the music player, gang. But don't worry, Jaka has a solution. Continue on the next point, yes!

How to Change Whatsapp Voice Notes to MP3

After knowing how to save voice notes from WA, now you must be still confused about how to play them in the music player application, right?

Well, Jaka will tell you how how to convert Whatsapp voice notes to MP3. For this method, you need an application Opus To Mp3 Converter. Just click the link below.

Apps Utilities DOWNLOAD

This application will change the file format .opus Becomes MP3. Later, you can play voice notes through the music player or other music listening applications.

To find out the full method, you can see the explanation below, gang.

- Step 1: Download and install the application Opus To MP3 Converter on the link that Jaka gave. If so, open the application, then click Options Select OPUS File.

- Step 2: After that, it will appear pop-up and select File Browser to find which voice note file to convert. Look for the steps that Jaka explained earlier, yes!

- Step 3: After finding the voice note file that you want to convert to MP3, click the file until it appears check mark. Then, click OK.

- Step 4: Next, select the option Convert To MP3 to continue the process of converting Whatsapp voice notes to MP3.

- Step 5: Then it will appear pop-up again, you can change file name and storage location converted files.

- Step 6: If you have, click tick icon which is in the right corner. Now, you just have to wait until the conversion process is complete.

- Step 7: After the conversion process is complete, you can find WhatsApp voice notes in MP3 form in the storage location you selected earlier.

That was how to save WA voice notes to music, gang. Besides being easy, you can also directly save it on your cellphone without the need to download the MP3 file from the VN earlier.

That way, you can play back the voice note through the music player whenever you want to listen to it.

Bonus: How to Record WhatsApp Video Calls

Maybe you've made video calls with loved ones and wanted to capture those beautiful moments to remember.

Do not worry! You can, you know, record WhatsApp video calls and save it on HP. To find out how, see the article below, come on!


Well, that's how to save VN Whatsapp as well as how to convert WA voice notes into MP3 so that they can be played back again.

Now, you are not confused anymore, right, to save VN from Whatsapp? You can simply repeat the previous method to save other WhatsApp VNs.

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