
mobile legends: bang bang, dota game for android phone ram under 1 gb

Mobile Legends: Bang bang is one of the Android dota games that is light enough to play. Even HP Android RAM below 1 GB is considered suitable for playing this game.

Good news for DotA game lovers! This time there is a new game that has gameplay similar to DotA, but can be played on Android smartphones. Yes! The game is Mobile Legends: Bang bang.

Unlike Vainglory, Mobile Legends: Bang bang is one of the Android DotA game which is light enough to play. Even HP Android RAM under 1 GB is considered suitable for playing this game.

What are the features, gameplay, and . like download link Mobile Legends APK: The latest bang bang on Android? Here's the review.

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Mobile Legends: Bang bang

Mobile Legends: Bang bang is an Action MOBA Android game created by Moonton. Sizes start from 81 MB, this Android DotA game is light enough to be played on Android, as well as on Android phones with RAM under 1 GB.

Different from Android MOBA games in general, Mobile Legends: Bang bang can be played 10 people at once in a game. You can do battle 5vs5 against humans or against computers (AI).

Some of the excellent features that Mobile Legends: Bang bang has include:

1. Classic MOBA Map, 5v5 Combat

This game checks the standard five against five, both human and computer (AI). Therefore, this makes it more standard and classic like MOBA games in general. There are 4 areas jungle, 18 defense tower, and 2 Bosses.

2. Strategy and Cooperation

There are various heroes with various categories that can be played in Mobile Legends: Bang bang, starting from Tanks, Mage, Marksmen, Assassins, Support, and much more. The heroes themselves will continue to grow over time.

3. Fair (Play to Win)

Just like other classic MOBA games, in each game, you have to train your own hero from scratch. This is to make the game finished more fair no effect Pay to Win.

4. Easy to Play

If you have never played DotA games on Android before, you are not too difficult to play the following Mobile Legends: Bang bang game.

The reason is, this game has a look simple interface, be it while playing or in the main menu. item selection, skills, and how to move the hero is placed in an easily accessible place.

5. 10 Seconds Matchmaking, 10 Minutes Match

Matchmaking in this game is very short, which only takes as long as 10 seconds just. The match was also classified as not too long, which is only about ten minutes.

So it's really suitable for this game to be played via an Android smartphone. A very fun game, but the weight of the game itself not too heavy.

6. Offline Mode

If in general MOBA games require a fairly high connection, not Mobile Legends: Bang bang. You can still play games smoothly even on a 3G/HDSPA connection.

In addition, there are also features Smart Offline AI Assistance. This feature allows offline player characters to be played by AI. This is intended to prevent an unbalanced game, 5v4.

Download Link

Interested in trying the dota game Mobile Legends: Bang bang? You can download the latest version of the APK in link the following: Mobile Legends: Bang bang.

Moonton Strategy Games DOWNLOAD

Don't forget to add the following admin ID to be able to play together: pearls.

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