Antivirus & Security

Do you need an antivirus application on an Android smartphone? here's the answer!

Android is one of the most popular operating systems in the world. Of course the issue of security from virus attacks is a major concern. So, do you need the Android smartphone you are using to have an antivirus application in it?

Based on data, Android even become a popular operating system that is almost 80 percent used on smartphones owned by Indonesian users. So it's not surprising that data security issues are often a major problem.

Many people think that one solution to this problem is to install antivirus application. So is this really useful?

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Should Android Smartphones Use Antivirus Applications?

This question may ring in some circles of Android users. It's even possible, the first time you use an Android smartphone, the first application that must be installed is antivirus app, like Kaspersky, AVG, Norton and so on right?

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In fact, the use of antivirus applications on Android does not fully work for you ward off viruses lol. Or it can even be said to be useless at all, why?

Reported from Quora, Siddharth Shankar a Cyber ​​Security Engineer claims that Android is the most secure operating system, because it has a Linux Kernel base which has a special module named Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux).

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Plus almost all Android applications are developed using the JAVA programming language which is the safest because it runs in JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM) which isolates running applications using the Sandboxing.


Not Viruses! Android Malware to Watch Out for

Shankar also explained that Android users should instead more wary of Android malware rather than viruses. This is because malware is a malicious application that is designed to damage the device used.

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Starting from stealing personal data, passwords, account numbers or tracking locations without the user's knowledge. So, to be aware of this Android malware, there are some preventive measures that can be done, including:

  • Do not install applications that are outside the official service, namely: Google Play Store,
  • Always take note permission requested by the application before installing it on the smartphone,
  • Don't access pornographic sites, and
  • Don't click on suspicious link, such as promotions on WhatsApp or in email.

So that's the answer to the question, do you need to install an antivirus application on your Android smartphone. For those of you who are still worried, you can use an Android antivirus application as a smartphone support application guys.

It all comes back to your choice!

Also read articles about Virus or other interesting articles from Satria Aji Purwoko.

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