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Watch Earth of Man (2019) full movie

Curious about the adaptation of author Mas Pram's masterpiece? Come on, watch the film Bumi Manusia (2019) with Indonesian subtitles.

In the world of Indonesian literature, perhaps there is no person more respected than the author Pramoedya Ananta Toer or more familiarly called Mr Pram.

Besides being famous for the quality of his writing, Mas Pram is also known as someone who expresses his love for Indonesia through his writings, gang.

This is perhaps most clearly seen in the works Buru's Tetralogy which begins with a novel Human Earth which tells the story of a young man named Minke in colonial times Dutch.

Curious about the film adaptation of the novel that is often considered masterpiece the world of Indonesian literature? Just read the synopsis from Jaka, gang!

Synopsis of Bumi Manusia

Minke (Iqbaal Ramadhan) is a native child who can be called 'lucky' because he has blood Javanese nobility.

In the Dutch colonial era, this meant that Minke was allowed to adhere to science in the Netherlands Hoogere Burgerschool (HBS) reserved for the elite.

With his education, Minke grew into an intelligent young man whose writings were often published in Dutch newspapers at that time.

This elite education also began to open Minke's mind to revolutionary ideas and Minke himself began to use his writings to fight for the fate of the indigenous people in Indonesia. Dutch East Indies.

During his school days, Minke had the opportunity to meet Nyai Ontosoroh (Sha Ine Febriyanti), the mistress of a Dutch official.

At the same time, Minke was also acquainted with Annelies (Rose Eva de Jongh), the daughter of Nyai Ontosoroh, and begins a romantic relationship with Annelies.

As someone called by a nickname NyaiNyai Ontosoroh has a low social status because she is considered an immoral person.

Due to her status as a Nyai, Nyai Ontosoroh is well aware of the injustices suffered by the natives, which makes her a role model for Minke.

Unfortunately, disaster arose when the relationship between Minke and Annelies threatened to end because of colonial interference.

What will happen to the relationship between Minke and Annelies? How did Minke and Nyai Ontosoroh struggle in the face of oppression from Dutch colonialism?

Interesting Facts about Earth of Mankind

As an adaptation of one of Indonesia's most iconic works, the film Human Earth Of course it's in the must-watch category, gang!

In addition, this film also has some interesting facts that ApkVenue will discuss thoroughly here!

  • Film Human Earth released at the same time as another film adaptation of Mas Pram's novel, Hunt, in August 15, 2019,

  • In order to enhance the authenticity of this film, the director Hanung Bramantyo using a native Dutch actor to fill the role in this film.

  • Hanung himself was actually the second choice as a director where in the beginning Anggy Umbara appointed as the director of this film.

  • veteran actress Sha Ine Febriyanti rarely seen in movies, but he has had a long career in the theater world.

  • As one of literature's most iconic figures, the decision to assign the role of Minke to Iqbal Ramadhan from the movie series Dylan many protested by netizens.

  • This film has a fairly long duration at 3 hours and even then it still has to cut many elements from the original novel.

  • Following in the footsteps of the original novel which became the first book Buru's Tetralogy, Hanung plans to make Human Earth as the first film in a trilogy.

Watch the Earth of Man movie

TitleHuman Earth
ShowAugust 15, 2019
Duration3 hours 1 minute
ProductionFalcon Pictures
DirectorHanung Bramantyo
CastIqbaal Ramadhan, Sha Ine Febriyanti, Mawar Eva de Jongh
GenreDrama, History, Romance
Rating6.6/10 (IMDb.com)

For those of you who are already interested in the adaptation of Mas Pram's masterpiece, you can check the details of this film's show schedule in cinemas throughout Indonesia via the link below, gang!

>>>Watch Earth of Man Movie<<<

As a writer whose fame has reached all corners of the world, film Human Earth it has been highly anticipated by the general public, gang.

What do you think about this film? Do you think it failed to match the novel? Immediately share in the comments column yes!

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