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7 amazing facts about xiaomi that you definitely didn't know

Maybe you are very familiar with Xiaomi, but this time Jaka discusses interesting facts that you may not know about Xiaomi.

Xiaomi is a company engaged in technology, especially in producing smartphone devices and other electronic goods. This Chinese company has not lived long, it was founded in 2010 and until now Xiaomi has been known all over the world.

Maybe you are very familiar with this one company, but this time Jaka discusses interesting facts that you may not know about Xiaomi.

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7 Shocking Facts from Xiaomi You Definitely Didn't Know

1. The Name Still Mysterious

Indeed this name was made in Chinese, but did you know? Even the Chinese have difficulty translating the name. Some Chinese people were asked about the name Xiaomi and they replied that two characters (Xiao and Mi) literally means a little rice. Maybe they have another purpose behind the name that most people don't know about.

2. Businesses That Have "Many Products"

Maybe it's not surprising if you hear the words Samsung, Sony and LG with the various types of products they create. But you'd be wondering for a company that hasn't been around for a long time, and they already have a wide variety of products. So far they have produced Smartphones, smart bracelets, tablets, smart TVs, drones, routers, laptops, mice, headsets and much more. Even recently Xiaomi has created an Advanced Anti Pollution Mask.

3. Xiaomi Has Experienced Employees

Having contacts or even business partners is very useful for building a good company. Xiaomi is no exception. Call it in 2013 Hugo Barra successfully recruited a former Google product manager and Android developer manager to become vice president. In 2014 Xiaomi again succeeded in recruiting 1 of the 3 founders of Apple namely Steve Wozniak. Those are some of the names with qualified experience that were successfully recruited by Xiaomi.

4. Xiaomi Was Accused of Being a Spy

Maybe you've heard that most of the smartphones made by China have some kind of software spy embedded in the phone. In 2014 it was detected spyware which is considered a spy tool on the device Xiaomi Redmi Note and Xiaomi Redmi 1S.

However, in 2015 a company in Germany named G Data, announced that this was common. And Xiaomi has managed to get its reputation back.

5. Difference Between Profit and Income

Although it can be said that Xiaomi's income is quite large, it is not worth the profits. Maybe this can happen because of the motto they use is "create premium products but have a low price". For example, in 2013 Xiaomi only made a profit of US $ 56 million from total revenues of up to US $ 4.3 billion. It's very ironic to think about, that's one of the reasons why Chinese smartphones have such low prices.

6. Xiaomi is more focused on the lower-middle market sector

As many people already know that Xiaomi always sells its products at relatively low prices. It should also be noted that they sell their devices at prices that are close to production costs. They are also more focused on online sales on line and rarely build their own smartphone shop.

7. Phenomenal History

Xiaomi that started as a business startup small and only consists of about 30 people. However, nowadays they have managed to become a very successful company. Even now they have a turnover of about US $ 20 billion. That's quite a number for a new company. Xiaomi continues to grow rapidly and now they have more than 8000 employees.

Those are 7 facts from Xiaomi that you definitely don't know. Is there a fact that we missed? Don't forget to give your opinion in the comments column below.

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