
7 best youtube channels to learn robotics

For those of you who are avid with the world of robotics, here Jaka presents some of the most effective YouTube channels to help you learn to make robots.

So far you may have known YouTube only as an online medium for entertainment only. However, slowly the paradigm has shifted and made YouTube a platform online learning.

A real example can be seen from the success of Ellis Ware, this 19-year-old teenager managed to make a "Robot Wars". Instead of studying in college, he learned all the robot programming skills and techniques on YouTube.

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YouTube Channel for Learning Robotics

Photo source: Photo: Businessinsider, Banner: Stanford

Quoted from Hongkiat, for those of you who are avid with the world of robotics, here Jaka presents some of the most effective YouTube channels to help you learn to make robots.

If you don't know programming languages, you can learn on these 7 Best YouTube Channels to Learn Coding. Alright, here are the 7 best YouTube channels to learn about robotic machines.

Using Raspberry Pi

1. Sentdex

The Raspberry Pi is basically a mini computer that can be connected to different components and can be programmed for many things.

One of them is to make a robot, through the YouTube channel Sentdex Here you can learn to build and program your own robot using a Raspberry Pi with the help of comprehensive instructions.

2. ExplainingComputers

YouTube Channel ExplainingComputers this digs deeper into programming using Python specifically for robotics. Don't worry, the discussion is very friendly and it doesn't matter if you don't know any programming language.

Because you can learn slowly, which explains the basic theory and logic behind programming and how you can use it to build a robot.

It also discusses how programming can be connected to actual electronic components. In the end, you may be able to build your own system or a simple robot.

Using Robotic Engineering

3. EEVblog

If you already have enough understanding in robot programming and want to learn the physical side of robotics, there is a YouTube channel EEVblog, which is made for beginners, to professionals.

You can relax while learning about electronic engineering. This channel introduces various types of electronics and what they are used for testing, disassembling and hacking electronic products.

4. Ithnkurcute

Next you can get to know robotics and electronics using Python on this channel. You will see an introduction to how robotics and electronics work hand in hand. Also, how do you do it.

The core topics of this lesson are about voltage testing, building circuits, resistors, batteries, and understanding other technical terms you will need to build a robot.

5. Botyard

You already know the basics of electronics and want to start building a real robot right away? YouTube Channel botyard very suitable for you. Unlike the previous YouTube channel, Botyard describes a series of follow-up demonstrations.

The great thing about this video series is that it shows you how to build a robot out of a recycled flashlight, some LEDs, an Arduino Nano, an Arduino Uno, servos, and more. It's very easy to find the items you need.

6. SparkFun Electronics

YouTube Channel SparkFun Electronics This is to learn how to engineer robots and program them on the actual job. You will learn how to work with electronics, such as soldering transistors and assembling other components.

7. Stanford

Finally, you can learn about robotics theory directly from Stanford. Basically, this is a series of lectures on robotics by a Stanford university professor and is very useful if you want to build more advanced robots.

Many things were discussed, such as trajectory generation, motion planning, dynamics, inverse and forward kinematics, spatial descriptions, force and position control, and others. Unlike other YouTube channels, this theory is clearly very important in creating advanced robots.

Those are the 7 best YouTube channels for learning robotics. Of course, this article is perfect for those of you who want to build their own robot but don't know where to start. Now, at least you can gather all the useful information about programming, engineering, and related electronics in robotics. Happy working!

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