Out Of Tech

kendo tri quota: explanation and how to use it

What is KenDo quota? For more details, let's see the following Jaka article regarding the KenDo (Full Download) quota from the Tri (3) provider.

Of the many telecommunications operators in Indonesia, Three (3) is one that is very popular and widely used by people, especially among students or students.

This, of course, cannot be separated from the price of the Tri internet package, which is known to be very cheap but with abundant quotas, gang.

Moreover, Tri also has many choices of internet packages including one of them KenDo quota which is intended for those of you who like to download.

Well, for more details about what is KenDo Tri quota, how to get it, and how to use it, you better see the full discussion below.

KenDo Tri Quota (3)

Seeing the very affordable price, surely many of you are curious about this KenDo 3 quota? Especially if you really like downloading movies, applications, or even games that will suck up a lot of quota.

Therefore, for those of you who are interested in buying a KenDo quota but are still unsure, it's better if you first read Jaka's discussion of the full KenDo Tri quota below.

What is KenDo Quota?

Photo source: Androidinfo (I wonder what KenDo 3 quota is? See the explanation below).

KenDo Quota is an abbreviation of Full Download, a special internet quota offered by Tri and can only be used at certain hours.

In this case, the Kenyang Download quota can only be used by Tri customers starting from 01:00 to 06:00.

Well, of course this is really suitable for those of you who often stay up late while surfing the internet, gang.

Even though you are limited by the time distribution, you can still use Kenyang Download quota to access the internet, be it through 3G or 4G internet networks.

In addition, the KenDo quota is also free for you to use on any day, unlike the Weekend quota which can only be used on Saturdays and Sundays.

How to Get KenDo Quota

Now you know what is KenDo quota, aka Kenyang Download Tri, gang?

For those of you who often download or surf at night, this KenDo quota can be an option, you know!

Well, you can find KenDo quota in the application Bima+ which is Tri's official application to check internet quota, credit, Tri number information, to buy internet packages.

For more details, here are 3 internet packages that offer KenDo quota.

1. Quota++ Full Download

Photo source: Bima+ (You can buy a special package for quota++ Kenyang Download to get KenDo quota).

Kuota++ Kenyang Download is an additional internet quota with a package validity period that will follow the active period of your 3 card, gang.

You can see details of Kenyang Download quota through the following table.

Quota++ Full DownloadPackage Details
Quota++ Full Download 500MBKenDo Quota: 500MB (01:00-06:00 on all Tri Indonesia networks

Price: IDR 7,500,-

Buy the package here...

Quota++ Full Download 2.5GBKenDo quota: 2.5GB (01:00-06:00 on all Tri Indonesia networks

Price: IDR 20,000,-

Buy the package here...

Quota++ Full Download 10GBKenDo Quota: 10GB (01:00-06:00 on all Tri Indonesia networks

Price: IDR 65.000,-

Buy the package here...

2. NetMax Night Package

In addition to the Kenyang Download special package, you can also get KenDo 3 quota in purchases NetMax Night package, gang.

It's just that, the Kenyang Download quota on the NetMax Tonight package has a longer duration of use, namely from 01:00-12:00 and have different package validity periods.

For more details regarding the details of the KenDo quota in this package, you can refer to the following table.

NetMax NightPackage Details
Internet Quota NetMax Night 1.1GBTotal Quota: 1.1GB

Price: IDR 10,000,-

Buy the package here...

Internet Quota NetMax Night 3.2GBTotal Quota: 3.2GB

Price: IDR 20,000,-

Buy the package here...

Internet Quota++ NetMax Night 5.5GBTotal Quota: 5.5GB

Price: IDR 40,000,-

Buy the package here...

Internet Quota++ NetMax Night 7GBTotal Quota: 7GB

Price: IDR 70,000,-

Buy the package here...

3. Love Prime Package

Not only NetMax Malam, you can also get KenDo quota in packages Prime Love which offers affordable prices with large quotas.

Just like Kuota++ Kenyang Download, Kenyang Download quota in this package has a usage time limit starting at 01:00-06:00.

Prime LovePackage Details
Love 50GBTotal Quota: 50GB

Price: 85.000,-

Buy the package here...

Those are a number of Tri internet packages that offer KenDo quota in addition to the Kenyang Download package itself, gang. Very cheap, right?

So, you don't need to ask for credit transfer 3 to buy the internet package above.

In addition, since the internet package above does not offer automatic renewal, then you don't need to do anything to stop this KenDo 3 quota.

Meanwhile, for how to check KenDo 3 quota, you can do it via the Bima+ application that is already installed on your smartphone.

How to Use KenDo Quota

Photo source: Afrid Francisco (You don't know what time the Kendo quota expires? See how to use the KenDo quota below).

To be able to enjoy KenDo quota and download as much as you want on your cellphone, it's really easy, gang.

You just need to wait for the KenDo quota to apply, namely 01:00 to 06:00.

If it has entered that time (based on the applicable region), then the main or regular quota usage will automatically switch to the Kenyang Download quota.

So this quota is perfect for those of you who like to stay up late while downloading and watching streaming Korean dramas.

In addition to the low price, the quota you get is also large and can be accessed on all networks including 4G.

Yep, that's a brief explanation of the KenDo Tri quota from Jaka, the gang. Now you know which package to buy Kenyang Download quota from?

Oh yes, for those of you who are looking for a way to hack KenDo 3 quota so that it can be used 24 hours, unfortunately Jaka can't provide it because this is an illegal step.

Therefore, you should really consider what quota you will get when buying an internet package, right! Hope it is useful!

Also read articles about Internet packages or other interesting articles from Andini Anissa.

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