
is it safe to buy gadgets from kickstarter, indigogo, et al?

KickStarter and IndieGogo are two crowdfunding platforms that are often the source of funding for the latest breakthrough technology. The question is is it safe or not, how does it work, and the advantages and disadvantages.

For those of you who always follow technological developments, of course, you are already familiar with the term "crowdfunding"For those who don't know, crowdfunding or crowdfunding is an alternative method of business funding that is quite popular in cyberspace.

Simply put, crowdfunding is the practice of funding projects or businesses in a joint venture and funded by the general public who are successfully connected with ideas project owner.

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Is it safe to buy gadgets from crowdfunding?

KickStarter and IndieGogo are two crowdfunding platforms that are often the source of funding for the latest breakthrough technology. The question is is it safe or not, how does it work, and the advantages and disadvantages. That's what Jaka will discuss here.

How Crowdfunding Works

Generally, crowdfunding is made on a web platform where they meet project owner with the public providing funds. The project owner will offer a product or service in return.

There are three parties involved in the crowdfunding platform, namely the project owner, supporters (the public who provide financial support), and platform providers (such as Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, and RocketHub). These three parties have their respective roles in creating an ecosystem that can support the needs of each party.

Advantages of Crowdfunding

We're talking about crowdfunding in the tech world here. The point is that the project owner offers an innovative product, be it accessories or something else. Some examples of recent crowdfunding projects include:

  • Superscreen: Which offers an additional larger screen (tablet) for smartphones.
  • C-Safe Mobile Pocket Lock: The world's first patented mechanical lock that can physically protect your smartphone from pickpockets or if you accidentally drop it. The smartphone will stay in your pocket and be completely under your control.

Yes, there are various interesting gadgets that you can get with crowdfunding. Some of them are very impressive, especially if the project owner's ideas are connected to you, and that means you really support their project. The price is also much cheaper than the normal price when it is released.

Disadvantages of Crowdfunding

However, that does not mean there is no risk. Many projects have been successful without problems, but some have failed. Here are some of the disadvantages of crowdfunding:

  • Must be willing to wait. Usually there is an estimated schedule for when the product is ready to be shipped, it could be months.
  • No refund. Yes, if the campaign fails there is no clear refund.
  • Inappropriate quality. Not a few are disappointed with the quality of the product and not as promised.

So, Safe or Not?

Crowdfunding encourages everyone to create and innovate. You can also become a project creator and apply for a crowdfunding injection. However, not all brilliant ideas managed to garner great support.

Of course there are risks when you become a supporter, but being part of an innovation is certainly a matter of pride. Crowdfunding should be very safe, of course you also have to really pay attention to the project properly. What do you think?

Also read articles about Crowdfunding or writing from Lukman Azis other.

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