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7 actors who are hated for playing villains, it sucks naturally!

Appearing with super ruthless antagonist characters, the following rows of actors are actually hated by the audience for playing villains, you know!

Being an actor is certainly required to be able to play all the characters in the film, including one of the evil characters or antagonists.

Without the presence of this one character, a film may not have an interesting and exciting storyline that the audience likes.

Even so, in fact the appearance of actors who play villain characters in this film often becomes the target of audience hatred, you know, gang.

Then, who? actors who are hated for playing villains in movies? Come on, see the full list below!

Actor Who Is Hated For Playing a Villain

Playing a villain in a film is certainly not without risk, being hated by the audience may be one of the most difficult things to avoid.

For example, some of the following actors, although they have succeeded in portraying the villain character very nicely, unfortunately their role is very hated by the audience.

1. Jack Gleeson - Game of Thrones

The first actor to be hated for playing a villain is Jack Gleeson who played in the film series Game of Thrones.

Playing the figure of the King named Joffrey Barathoeon who is sadistic and tends to be psychopathic, Gleeson's appearance in this film series has succeeded in making the audience hate him.

Gleeson is described as a vile character and does not hesitate to act as he pleases for his own pleasure. In fact, he also had the heart to kill someone just for his pleasure.

Because of his cruelty, it's not surprising that Jack Gleeson is hated by the audience, gang. How about you?

2. Jason Isaacs - Harry Potter

Next up is the actor Jason Isaacs who plays the bad character Lucius Malfoy in the movie franchise Harry Potter.

Always appearing consistent with his cruel nature in every Harry Potter film series, it's no wonder that this actor is finally hated by the audience, the gang.

Not to mention Jason Isaacs is also known as one of the actors who quite often plays an antagonist role, such as in the film The Patriot in 2000 ago.

3. Josh Brolin - Avengers: Infinity War

For those of you who are fans of Marvel films, you must be familiar with the figure Thanos? One of the most hated characters by Marvel movie lovers.

He is Josh Brolin, the actor behind the character Thanos who is known to sweep half the universe with his powers.

Appear as a character villain The greatest in Marvel and Avengers mythology, Josh Brolin certainly has to take the risk if some fans end up hating him for his villain role.

One of the roles that this actor hates the most is when he kills the MCU's favorite characters in the movies Avengers: Infinity War last year 2018.

4. Willem Dafoe - Spider-Man

Still from one of the Marvel movie actors, Willem Dafoe who plays Norman Osborn alias Green Goblin In the Spider-Man film, he is also the next actor who is hated for playing the villain character, the gang.

In the film directed by Sam Raimi, Willem Dafoe appears as a character villain who is cruel and wants to kill Spider Man, who was then still played by Tobby Maguire.

His actions in this film have no doubt made fans of the iconic Marvel character hate him very much. Moreover, Willem Dafoe is also counted as an actor who often plays villain characters.

5. Ray Sahetapy - The Raid: Redemption

If the previous actors came from the Hollywood film industry, then there are also Indonesian actors who are hated for playing evil characters in films, gangs.

One of them is a veteran actor Ray Sahetapy who has often played antagonistic characters in various film titles, including one of them The Raid: Redemption.

In this film, Ray plays the role of Tama Riyadi, a drug lord who is very sadistic and cruel.

Although his appearance sparked hatred from the audience, on the other hand Ray's acting in this film actually reaped praise for his cruelty, you know!

6. Tio Pakusadewo - The Raid 2: Berandal

Not inferior to Ray Sahetapy, the name of a senior actor Tio Pakusadewo has also often been poor across the country's film industry.

However, of the many film titles he has starred in, his appearance in the film The Raid 2: Rogues it triggers hatred from most of the audience, you know, gang.

Not because of his poor acting quality, but because Tio Pakusadewo managed to play a sadistic mafia character in this action genre film.

It is even reported that to play the character, Tio Pakusadewo even did acting training with Al Pacino, who is an American actor, you know. Very cool, right?

7. Reza Rahadian - Woman Wearing Turban

If normally Reza Rahadian always able to amaze the audience, in movies Woman with a Turban This talented actor is actually hated by many people, you know.

Not without reason, because in this film Reza plays a character Samsudin, a Kyai's son who really makes the audience excited.

Reza is told to be married to Anissa (Revalina S. Temat), a woman who is smart, brave, and has strong opinions. However, instead of being grateful for the positive nature of his wife, Samsudin was light-hearted and had the heart to cheat with another woman.

Through his convincing acting skills, not a few viewers actually hate Reza in this film, the gang.

Well, those are some of the actors who are hated for playing super violent evil characters in movies, gangs.

Even so, but many of them even won awards for their roles. Which actor do you hate the most?

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