
pro special! this is how the sniffing hacking technique on android without root

The science of hacking itself consists of various techniques. Starting from Sniffing, Cracking, Hijacking and others. Well this time, ApkVenue wants to tell you how to do hacking techniques via Android smartphones!

Hacking is arguably the coolest computer technique. By using the science of hacking, as if you can freely do anything in the digital world.

The science of hacking itself consists of various techniques. Starting from Sniffing, Cracking, Hijacking and others. Well this time, ApkVenue wants to tell you how to do hacking techniques via Android smartphones!

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How to Hack Sniffing Techniques on Android Without Root

Photo source: Image: Blogger

Sniffing activities are best done with mobile devices. Usually the hackers use a small laptop (netbook) in running the sniffing process on a public network. But over time, now you can sniffing with an Android.

Definition of Sniffing

Photo source: Image: Shubham Mayekar

Before going into the steps, ApkVenue would like to briefly explain sniffing first. Jaka will try to use the language as easy as possible.

Sniffing the point is to read all data packet traffic that occurs on a network. It is a long process in the form of monitoring. With sniffing, hackers can find starting from the sites visited (history) to the target or victim's username and password.

However, to be able to take full advantage of sniffing hacking techniques, there are many other things that need to be understood. An example is the network topology.

After reading the explanation, you should now have an idea. The steps themselves are as follows.

Steps How to Sniffing on Android Without Root

Step 1

First of all, download and install the Android application called "Packet Capture", you can download it via the following link.

Downloads:Packet Capture latest version

Step 2

Open the application you just installed. choose "Get Started", then continue by selecting "Install Certificate".

Step 3

Then a pop-up will appear, select "OK" just. Then a pop-up appears again, select "OK" again.

Step 4

To start sniffing or monitoring a network, select "Play Logo" which is in the top right corner. Wait until the data package you are looking for passes. If you have, you can also immediately see the details as shown below.

That's how to do the sniffing hacking technique on Android, it's not difficult is it? With further improvisation, you can break into social media accounts and others from the victim. Good luck!

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