
Confused about choosing 32 bit or 64 bit OS? try to look at these 5 important things first

The determination between 32 bit and 64 bit OS is often confusing. So, so that you don't go wrong in choosing the bit version that is suitable for your computer, you should read the following Jaka article.

Choosing the right OS for our computer system is very important. With using the right OS, of course our computer system can run well optimally. But if we choose the wrong OS, it is not impossible that it will have a bad impact on our computer system.

Like one of them in the determination between 32 bit and 64 bit OS. Well, so that you no wrong choice the bit version that is suitable for your computer, you should read the following Jaka article.

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This is How to Determine the Choice of 32 Bit or 64 Bit OS

In determining an OS that is suitable for our computers, bits are often a consideration that is quite confusing. The reason is, it is not impossible that a computer can run well using OS 32 bit or 64 bit. But which one is better?

So, instead of being confused, you should check out these 5 important things from Jaka. Jaka will tell you important things to consider when determining which OS bit is suitable for your computer system. Here are 5 important things.

1. What is the Difference Between 32 Bit and 64 Bit OS?

The first thing you need to know to determine the appropriate OS bit on your computer is of course the difference from the choice of OS bit itself. Broadly speaking, the difference is on calculated numbers per second what he can do. Of course, this will affect the performance of your computer system.

For more details, what happens, Jaka happened to have written an article before. So you only need to listen to Jaka's article on the following link.


If you are still confused, maybe in addition, you can also listen following video. This video will try to give a brief explanation of the basic differences between 32 bit and 64 bit.

2. Does My System Support 64 Bit OS?

Then the thing you need to know, is your computer system? support 64 bit OS. For example, if you use a computer system with a 32-bit processor, of course this will requires you to use 32 bit OS. But if you use a 64-bit processor, you can already choose whether you want to use a 32-bit or 64-bit OS.

Photo source: Photo: PC Advisor

Or if it turns out that you use a old computer, of course you have to think again to use a 64 bit OS. Because it's not impossible drivers which is intended for your computer system will not provide 64 bit support.

3. How Much RAM Do You Need?

The following things you need to know, how much RAM what you need? But before going any further, do you know what RAM is?

RAM stands for Random Access Memory, serve as data storage which is temporary at high speed and is used for system files.

Photo source: Photo: My Home Computer PC

The connection to the OS bit determination is because 32-bit OS can only be used for Maximum RAM with a size of 4 GB only, while 64 bit can be up to 16 billion GB (depending on the OS version you are using). If you want to use RAM above 4 GB, of course you should consider using a 64 bit OS.

4. What are the Advantages of 64 Bit OS?

The next thing is the advantages offered by 64 bit OS. For example by using a 64 bit OS, your heavy software will run much lighter, multitasking also much better if you use a 64 bit OS.

For more details, you can see in following video. This video will give you a detailed explanation of performance difference that you get when using 32 bit OS and 64 bit OS.

5. Conclusion, OS 64 Bit or 32 Bit?

After seeing a few things above, you can definitely take some conclusions like the following points.

  • If you use a processor that supports 64 bit, using a 64 bit OS will make your processor performance much more leverage.
  • If Your RAM is above 4 GB, of course it is mandatory for you to use a 64 bit OS. If not, your RAM will only be read at 4 GB.
  • Ensure driver support for your computer system already supports 64 bit. If not, later your computer system won't be able to work as it should be.

That's the article from Jaka about 5 important things what you need to know before specifying the OS bit for your computer. Hope it's useful! If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments!

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