
watch out! Here are the 14 most dangerous viruses for all types of Android smartphones

This time Jaka will present a list of 12 dangerous viruses on Android smartphones. After Jaka previously described the 10 most dangerous computer viruses in the world,

Computer viruses have indeed become the scariest thing in this era Internet of Things at the moment. With more and more aspects of life turning to computerized methods and being connected via the internet, virus attacks are certainly a special concern that must be watched out for. After previously Jaka described 10 most dangerous computer viruses in the world, this time Jaka will present a list 14 most dangerous viruses for all types of Android smartphones.

Viruses on smartphones are no less dangerous than viruses on computers. There is a virus that can steal your data and photos, a virus that keeps your smartphone running restart, to make your Android unusable.

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14 Dangerous Viruses On Android Smartphones

To detect whether there is a dangerous Android virus or not on your Android, you can use the method that ApkVenue shared in the article How to Remove Viruses on Your Android Without Antivirus. Please search, is there one of the following 12 dangerous viruses on your Android?

1. Engriks

Has your Android ever displayed an "Unfortunately Measure/Engriks Has Stopped" warning on Android? If so, congratulations, your Android smartphone has been infected with a virus Engriks. After being exposed to this virus, your Android will continue to display strange warnings, such as: Monkey Test has stopped, etc.

The Engriks virus was designed by its creators to infect via porn sites. So, at least open a porn site on Android, if you don't want your smartphone, you have to re-flash because of the Engriks virus.

2. Cyber.Police

Besides Engriks, recently there is a ransomware called Cyber.Police who infect via porn sites. If infected by ransomware In this case, your Android will not be able to be used because it is locked by pop up that keeps appearing on the smartphone screen.

not only annoying, pop up it contains threats. Which if you don't transfer some money in the form of iTunes Gifts. If you don't pay, then all the data on your smartphone is in danger of being lost and distributed. Read the full article at: This is the result if you often open porn websites on Android.

3. Shedun, Shuanet, and ShiftyBug

You could say the three types malware This is the most dangerous virus for your Android device. How about it, third malware this will cause your Android to be unusable! So, once exposed to this virus, you should immediately buy a new smartphone. It really makes this hole in the bag a virus.

These most dangerous Android viruses are usually found from third-party app stores (third-party app store). Once installed on the victim's Android, malware this willroot device, embed (embed) themselves to system-level services, and morphing them into legitimate or legitimizing themselves in popular apps like Facebook, Candy Crush, Twitter, Snapchat, WhatsApp and others.

4. Android PowerOffHijack

What happens if your Android suddenly dies? Maybe you will think your Android is running out of battery or the battery is damaged. But you have to be careful, because there are PowerOffHijack virus. This dangerous virus will make your Android suddenly die even though the battery is still full. Not only that, while your Android is dead, this dangerous Android virus will use telephone services, SMS, to access your camera. Scary isn't it? Because when you think your smartphone is dead, it's actually being accessed by irresponsible parties.

5. Stagefright

Android virus named stagefright had shocked Android users some time ago. Imagine, this dangerous virus can have a major effect on more than 1 billion Android smartphone users, especially LG, Samsung, and Google Nexus Android smartphones. The danger that can arise when Android users are infected with Stagefright is that irresponsible people will use the data stored on Android for certain purposes besides Stagefright can also be used to access all Android devices (remote) without knowing the owner.

How to spread bugs This stagefright is by slipping a malware into multimedia files such as MP3 or MP4. When an Android user views the file, Android will display preview from the song that was downloaded earlier. When preview open, then that's when Android will be infected malware stagefright.

6. Obad

This next dangerous virus on Android is quite inconvenient for users, even Kaspersky was overwhelmed by this virus. Although Kaspersky can detect this virus, this virus has not been able to be eradicated to its roots by Kaspersky. If your smartphone is infected by a virus known as Backdoor.AndroidOS.Obad.a In this case, you will often lose credit and also experience frequent incidents hang. Obad Virus infects by telling you to download applications on certain web pages, after installing it, the Trojan virus will start attacking the system on your smartphone.

7. Hipposms

When it comes to the most stubborn virus on a smartphone, maybe Hipposms virus This is what he deserves for his title. How not, this dangerous virus on Android will take over the SMS system on your smartphone, then register for a paid SMS service. You must be annoyed if you get paid SMS from time to time even though you never feel subscribed? Well, this could be the culprit in Hippo SMS. Oh yes, if you have been infected with this virus, the only way to survive is to do factory reset and also change the new number.

8. Drsheep

Classified in the Trojan class, this dangerous Android virus is capable of hijacking your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts. Another name for this virus is HackTool.AndroidOS.DroidSheep.A when detected in safe mode or the antivirus you are using. With his scary abilities, of course you have to be careful with his existence Drsheep virus this on your Android.

9. BaseBridge

Still included in the Trojan group, a virus known by another name Andr/BBridge-A it uses system privilege escalation to install malicious foreign apps on your Android device. It doesn't stop there, this dangerous virus can scan all the contents of your messages. It's dangerous if your message is read and spread by the BaseBridge virus this?

10. Battery-A

If you are a user who likes to use battery-saving applications such as Battery Doctor, then you should be careful of this one trojan. Virus Battery-A this will infect battery saver apps, then continuously make apps report that your battery is saving. When in fact this dangerous virus is corrupting your battery system data, thus making your Android battery more wasteful. The next effect that is no less scary than this virus is because it will make your Android filled with ads.

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11. DroidDream

Are you a person who likes to download apps from app stores other than Google Play Store? Be careful with some tempting games, because it could be that the game has been infected DroidDream virus. This dangerous virus will infect your Android through the application that has been inserted malware-his. Once infected, your Android device will be controlled remotely, and collect data on your Android in a secret server.

12. Plankton

Like Plankton in the movies Spongebob, Plankton virus this will infect your Android in a clever and devious way. If you are infected with this virus, this virus will cleverly appear when you play the Angry Bird Rio game. No, this virus didn't infect Angry Bird Rio, it's just that he cunningly made Angry Bird Rio a host and a scapegoat. Later, when you are busy playing the game, suddenly a pop up appears stating whether you will unlock premium service or not. That is the step of this virus to enter your Android system. Next, another application that looks similar will appear replacing the original application.

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Well, those were 12 dangerous viruses for your Android. Please try to check and clean using tutorials How to Get Rid of Viruses on Your Android Without Antivirus. And if your Android wants to stay safe from viruses, always install apps only from trusted sources, like the Google Play Store.

If you have experienced the Android that you are using is attacked by these viruses, share Same with Jaka, how do you remove the virus.

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