latest song

The 30 newest songs of nella kharisma 2018|make the body shake!

List of Nella Kharisma songs that are suitable for accompanying you in free time. Complete with Spotify song player.

Do you fans dangdut singer Nella Kharisma?

It is obligatory to know the dangdut songs of Nella Kharsima. Especially if you listen to it with your friends at the boarding house. Can cool jos!

Therefore, Jaka wants to give Nella Kharisma's newest song which is the coolest to listen to and be invited to rock with guys. Not inferior to the song from Via Vallen, of course.

What are the latest Nella Kharisma songs that are suitable for you guys? dangdut lover? Let's just read the full article guys!

Nella Kharisma's Newest Song

Well, so that it is easy for you to sort out the songs you want to know. Jaka will share songs per cluster, you can go directly to a certain cluster by clicking on the text in 'Table of Contents'.

You can also play the song directly here or through the app Spotify guys, or if you want to download the song, you can go through the Nella Kharisma song download site, which Jaka has written an article on.

Okay, let's go straight to the song list!

The Best Newest Nella Kharisma Song

1.Nella Kharisma 1 - Rajodo

2.Nella Kharisma 2 - Jaran Goyang

3.Nella Kharisma 3 - Because Su Darling

4.Nella Kharisma 4 - Konco Mesra

5.Nella Kharisma 5 - Victim of Promise

6.Nella Kharisma 6 - You were not created for me

7.Nella Kharisma 7 - Koyo Sky and Earth

8.Nella Kharisma 8 - Boso Moto

9.Nella Kharisma 9 - My Way

10.Nella Kharisma 10 - No Problem

Dangdut Koplo song Nella Kharisma

1. Nella Kharisma 1 - Karo Sri . Cheating

2. Nella Kharisma 2 - Bojo Galak

3. Nella Kharisma 3 - I'm Cah Kerjo

4. Nella Kharisma 4 - Holiday

5. Nella Kharisma 5 - Abandoned by the rabbi

6. Nella Kharisma 6 - Stumbling on the Past

7. Nella Kharisma 7 - Setyo as alive and well

8. Nella Kharisma 8 - Dollar Girl

9. Nella Kharisma 9 - Cheese

10. Nella Kharisma 10 - My heart is sad

Nella Kharisma's Newest Song 2018

1.Nella Kharisma - Policeman's Joy

2.Nella Kharisma - Get the Glass

3.Nella Kharisma - Loro Kangen

4.Nella Kharisma - Sawangen

5.Nella Kharisma - More Beautiful

6.Nella Kharisma - Because of Romance

7.Nella Kharisma - The Mouse Deer

8.Nella Kharisma - Brother

9.Nella Kharisma - Lungset

10.Nella Kharisma - Banyu Langit

Nella Kharisma's Profile

Nella Kharisma is a dangdut singer born in Kediri who is known for his songs, Jaran Goyang and Koncro Mesra. Since the age of 3 years, he has started to participate in sinden performances.

As an adult, Nella joined a Malay orchestra led by Cak Rull named Lagista. Since then, he has started to rise and in 2017 officially joined Nagaswara.

The famous singles from Nella Kharisma are Konco Mesra, Jaran Goyang, Bojo Galak, Gerhana, and Sebelas Duabelas. Until now, he has become a star among domestic dangdut song lovers.

Let's rock together!

That's the newest song Nella Kharisma 2018 which is the coolest to listen to with your friends to rock with guys.

If it's not fun, you can also play the latest DJ songs that are cool to live your night.

Which Nella Kharisma's newest song title is your favorite? Jaka still Jaran Goyang guys.

Write your opinion in the comments column, see you in the next article!

Also read articles about latest song or other interesting articles from Daniel Cahyadi.

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