
These are the 4 advantages of DDR5 RAM, number 3 is the coolest!

Currently, the world of technology such as computers and smartphones has experienced rapid development. One of them is from the RAM sector. In the past, we felt how cool 64MB of RAM was. Now, RAM has entered the DDR4 generation. La

Currently, the world of technology such as computers and smartphones has experienced rapid development. One of them is from the RAM sector. In the past, we felt how cool 64MB of RAM was. Now, RAM has entered the DDR4 generation. Then, when will DDR5 be present?

DDR5 has been a topic of discussion for a long time. Well, if anyone asks when it's coming, THE JOINT ELECTRONIC DEVICES ENGINEERING COUNCIL (JEDEC) has finally announced that DDR5 RAM will be available in 2018. So, what's great about it?

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4 Greatness of DDR5 RAM, Number 3 Coolest!

1. Large Capacity

Photo source: Photo: Odosta

Finally, with official confirmation, it's clear that this generation will be here next year. Well, it is rumored that DDR5 RAM will have a large capacity, even more than 128GB per chip. Can't you imagine?

2. Improve Multitasking

Photo source: Photo: Teknotalk

Because seeing the capacity that is carried is more than 128GB, it will automatically make computing and multitasking capabilities significantly you know. So, playing PC games while typing or even editing videos is also possible.


3. Greater Bandwidth Speed

Photo source: Photo: Slashgear

One of the most interesting points is, DDR5 will offer speed bandwidth which is twice as large. This serves to make the data transfer process faster than DDR4. Therefore, the ability to operate a computer will be much faster for sure.

4. Better Channel Efficiency

Photo source: Photo: Bleepstatic

Brader, in addition to supporting speed bandwidth which is twice as large, DDR5 RAM will also increase channel efficiency better. Of course this will make the interface to be user-friendly, for both client and server platforms.

That's the 4 greatness that will be owned by DDR5 RAM later. So, be patient to wait for the presence of DDR5 RAM. Also make sure you read articles related to computers or other interesting writings from Jofinno Herian.

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