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watch critical eleven (2017)

Curious to watch the romantic drama Critical Eleven? You can watch it here you know! (Full Movie)

In the world of aviation, known as critical eleven, which is the most crucial eleven minutes on the plane, three minutes after take off and eight minutes before landing.

Adapted from the novel of the same name, the term flight was later applied to human relations through film Critical Eleven, gang.

In this film, critical eleven interpreted as the first 3 minutes to make a first impression on human relationships and the last 8 minutes is the decisive moment for the continuation of the relationship.

Then, how is this term presented in the storyline in the film Critical Eleven? Come on, see the full synopsis below.

Synopsis of Critical Eleven

Starring top actors and actresses, the film Critical Eleven tells about relationships Anya Baskoro (Adinia Wirasti) and Ale Risjad (Reza Rahdian).

Meeting up on a flight from Jakarta to Sydney, Anya and Ale finally took their love story to a more serious level, namely marriage.

After getting married, the two decided to move to New York because of the demands of Ale's job.

At first, Anya and Ale's life went very smoothly and often romantic attitudes came out of the two of them.

Changes then occur when Anya is pregnant and Ale becomes very overprotective against his wife. From there a small commotion between the two began to occur.

The climax is when Ale asks Anya to return to Jakarta because he doesn't want to leave his wife alone in the apartment when she has to work on the rig for weeks.

Until one day, Anya had an accident that caused her to miscarry and Ale seemed to blame his wife for not complying with her request.

Then, how will their love story continue? Will Ale and Anya give up in anger or heal the wounds and reconnect their love?

Interesting Facts about Critical Eleven

Being one of the Indonesian films that raises the love story of a married couple, the Critical Eleven film certainly has many interesting facts, gang.

Want to know what these interesting facts are? Here are some interesting facts behind the Critical Eleven film production process.

  • Critical Eleven movie is based on the novel best seller Ika Natassa's work with the same title sold 1.11 copies in less than 11 minutes.

  • Filming took place in three different locations, namely New York, Lamongan, and Jakarta.

  • Critical Eleven is Reza Rahadian's third film and Adinia Wirasti is paired as lovers.

  • In addition to starring experienced senior players, there are also several newcomers such as Refal Hady, Aci Resti, and Anggika Bolsterli.

Watch Critical Eleven

InformationCritical Eleven
Reviews (Number of Reviewers)7.3 (500)
Duration2 hours 15 minutes
Release Date10 May 2017
DirectorRobert Ronny

Monty Tiwa

PlayerReza Rahadian

Hannah Al Rashid

Chemistry The strong relationship between Reza Rahadian and Adinia Wirasti in the film seems to have succeeded in making the audience excited, gang.

Well, for those of you who are curious about the full story of this film, you can Watch Critical Eleven here.

That was a synopsis and some interesting facts about the romantic drama film Critical Eleven, gang.

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