Social & Messaging

how to recover hacked facebook account

There are still many Facebook users, who do not secure their Facebook accounts. Here's how to restore a hacked Facebook account.

Facebook is a social tool that connects people with friends they know, regardless of distance. People use Facebook to keep in touch with friends, share feelings or thoughts, share photos, send links and videos, and find out more about someone.

This social networking service, which was launched in February 2004, is indeed very popular, Facebook even has more than one billion active users. Unfortunately there are still many Facebook users, who don't secure Facebook account they. Although Facebook is always providing features to improve security options, there are still many users who don't know.

  • Do These 5 Ways So Your Facebook Can't Be Hacked
  • MUST KNOW! These are 5 ways hackers can steal data from Facebook users
  • 6 Facebook Features You Don't Use (Even though MANDATORY!)

How to Restore a Hacked Facebook Account

Those who do not activate the new security features provided by Facebook are also easy targets for hacker irresponsible. Then what if your Facebook account is already logged in?hack? Worse yet, without the registered email and phone number, it is no longer active. Here's the WayTikus love how to recover a deleted Facebook accounthack.

  • Open Facebook, click 'forgotten your password?' or forget your password.
  • Next you have to find your account, by entering your old email address, phone number, username or full name of your Facebook account.
  • After you find your Facebook account, your position here is that the old email address is no longer in use or forgot the password, the old phone number listed is no longer active. Then select 'no longer have access to these?' or don't have access here anymore.
  • Enter your new new phone number or new valid email address.
  • The next step you are required to answer the security question, which you created before when you signed up for Facebook.
  • If appropriate, you will then be given access to create a new password.
  • Finished.

When the JalanTikus team practiced, we had to wait 24 hours before being able to access the Facebook account that was successfully restored. This way you will be able recover facebook account you got hit hack or can help restore a friend's Facebook account that was hit hack. What do you think? If there are additions, pin them in the comments column.

Also read articles about Facebook or writing from Lukman Azis other.

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