Out Of Tech

Muslims are proud! 7 of the greatest Muslim scientists in the world

Who would have thought that behind the invention of technology there were Muslim hands. Here are 7 of the most meritorious and famous Islamic scientists in the world.

Tech world has a long history filled with many smart and genius people behind it.

Who would have thought that behind the invention of various technologies that are currently developing there is a touch Islamic scientist behind.

As fellow Muslims, we should be proud of the achievements of these people, gang. The following is 7 Muslim scientists in the world of technology the most influential version of Jaka.

5 Most Influential Islamic Scientists in the Tech World

History has proven how the Islamic world has given birth to many great scholars and scientists in various fields.

Various kinds of inventions and also the thoughts of these intelligent scientists are the basis for the development of modern technology today.

These Islamic scientists even participate in the development of technological innovations that we now use. The following is 7 influential Islamic scientists in the world of technology.

1. Ibn Al-Haitham

photo source: mvslim.com

Abu Ali Muhammad al-Hasan or better known as Ibn Haitham become one of the influential Islamic figures in the world of technology.

Ibn Haithan is an Islamic scientist who is an expert in the fields of science, astronomy, mathematics, geometry, medicine, and philosophy.

In addition, he also became a creator of optical technology which is now used in camera devices.

This discovery technology inspired Roger Bacon and Kepler to create microscopes and telescopes. Various kinds of thoughts and ideas of Ibn Haitham in the field of optics are still used today.

2. Abbas bin Firnas

Photo source: ilmfeed.com

Abbas bin Firnas or who is also known as Abbas Abu al-Qasim is a Muslim scientist who is very intelligent and able to parallel one branch of knowledge that he mastered with other branches of science.

Apart from being a scientist, he was also a physicist, chemist, technician, Andalusian musician, and Arabic-language broadcaster.

Abbas becomes The world's first Muslim scientist who succeeded in making the construction of a tool that can fly. It is this technology that inspires the principles of the development of today's aircraft models.

In the 9th century he created a winged flying instrument resembling a bird, and successfully flew it in Cordoba, Spain.

3. Al Battani

photo source: pinterest.com

Al Battani was an Arab Muslim astronomer and mathematician who was quite influential in the Middle Ages.

Thanks to one of his most famous achievements, the determination of the solar year, we now know that the year consists of 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes and 24 seconds.

Al Battani's findings are considered very accurate, you know, gang. In fact, the accuracy of this calculation made a German mathematician named Christopher Clavius use it to repair Julian calendar.

His interest in astronomy has been honed since Al Battani was small, he was educated by his father who is also an astronomical scientist.

4. Anousheh Ansari

photo source: entrepreneur.com

Anousheh Ansari succeeded in stealing public attention after she was named the first Muslim woman to fly into space.

Ansari is an electrical engineer who is also the founder of the technology company Prodea Systems which focuses on development Internet of Things.

The company, which was founded in 2006 is helping remote areas of India to experience the internet.

In addition to being the founder of Prodea Systems, Ansari is also the founder and CEO of Telecom Technologies.

5. Abdus Salam

photo source: bbc.com

Abdus Salam is a physicist from Pakistan who adheres to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Qadian. Unfortunately, this sect is considered a non-Muslim minority in Pakistan.

This makes the Pakistani government never give him an award even though he has contributed tremendously to the development of technology in his country.

Even so, this did not break Salam's spirit as evidenced by the acquisition of the most prestigious awards in the field of science.

Thanks to his contribution to the development of the unification theory electroweak make greetings awarded Nobel Prize in 1979. It also made Salam a first muslim who won the Nobel Prize.

6. Ibn Sina

Photo source: mirror.co.uk

This medieval Islamic scholar figure is known as a Muslim scholar physicist, astronomer, Writer, as well as a philosopher also.

Ibn Sina is also known for his research and also his thoughts in the medical world. This Islamic scholar have written at least 40 books about medical science.

The books he wrote were even used as references in various universities around the world at least until 1650.

The two most famous books about health written by Ibn Sina are The Book of Healing and also The Canon of Medicine.

7. Al-Kwharizmi

photo source: lowellmilkencenter.org

This Muslim scientist is known thanks to one of his ideas which is still widely used in the world of education today, algebra.

Not only good at mathematics, Al-Khwarizmi is also known to master other scientific fields such as astronomy, geography, and astrology.

The scientist who is known as the inventor of this algebra live in the golden age of islam just like Ibn Sina.

There he is, gang, 7 influential Islamic scientists in the world of technology. The discoveries and thoughts of these Islamic scientists have influenced the development of technology in the world.

From the stories of the scientists above, we can learn that no matter what religion a person holds, it does not prevent us from contributing to the development of technology.

Hopefully the information that ApkVenue shares this time can entertain you all, and see you again in the next articles.

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