
how to try android apps on google chrome without install

Google Chrome can be used to run Android applications. Here's an easy way to try Android apps on Google Chrome.

You may not think that Google Chrome is now can run android apps. Yes, in fact Google Chrome is able to do it.

In fact, the Android application can also be run on a variety of applications platformwithout using emulator, including the operating system Windows.

We can run Android apps on Chrome using tools which name is ARC Welder. The application is intentionally made to test an Android application on Android Chrome.

Although the real function is to test applications, this tool can also be used to run some Android applications easily.

How to run Google Chrome Android app? Come on, take a look at the following Jaka reviews.

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How to Try Android Apps on Google Chrome

1. Install ARC Welder

Go to page Chrome Web Store and search ARC Welder in the search field. Then do the installation by clicking the button 'launch apps'. This tool can be run on the Windows 10 operating system, macOS, Linux, and Chrome OS.

2. Search Android Apps APK

After the ARC Welder application has been added, the next step is to look for an Android application that works for you APK file form. There are many sites that provide APK files on the internet. An example of one of the most popular is APKMirror and AndroidAPKsFree.

3. Run the ARC Welder Application

If you have got several APK files, then the next step is run the ARC Welder application in Chrome. When we first run ARC Welder, the first thing we do is select the directory where the apk will be installed.

Then to start running the application, we can click 'add your apk'. Then just leave the settings default running. The last step is to click the button 'launch apps' to start running the application.

After all the steps are done, the application is ready to run. How? Practical isn't it? This way easier and safer instead of having to install an emulator on the computer which can slow down the performance of the computer when opening Android applications.

Good luck. And if you have an alternative way, please share in the comments column below yes.

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