
7 of the best virtual reality apps for android, ride a roller coaster from your phone!

By utilizing Virtual Reality technology, these seven applications will pamper you with a variety of new features and experiences that are certainly exciting

Virtual Reality now it's not futuristic anymore. In the past, many people dreamed of being able to try out this cool feature.

To try out the VR feature, now you only need a cellphone that supports this feature. Of course you also need a VR headset, gang.

The rise of VR applications is directly proportional to companies like Google, Samsung, and Facebook who are passionate about developing their VR platform for Android and PC.

7 Best Virtual Reality Apps for Android

In this article, ApkVenue will discuss about 7 of the best VR apps that you can use on your Android phone. This application will provide a new experience that you can enjoy.

Although many VR applications are free, you still need to have a VR headset that supports these applications.

The price of VR Headsets is also quite cheap right now, gang! If you are curious about the best VR applications on Android, go ahead, let's see the following Jaka article.

1. Google Cardboard

So far, Google has 2 official apps that support VR. One such application is Google Cardboard which you can download for free on the Google Play Store.

To use this application, it is recommended that you already have a VR headset Google Cardboard. This application aims to set up as well as provide usage tutorials.

Through this application, you can also download other applications that are supported by Google Cardboard. You can also experiment using this application.

Download here:

Apps Productivity Google Inc. DOWNLOAD

2. YouTube VR

It seems that Jaka no longer needs to introduce an application titled YouTube VR here it is, gang. This app will add Add-On on YouTube that is installed on your cellphone.

The advantage of this application is that you can watch videos on YouTube using the Virtual Reality format. However, you still need a VR headset to enjoy it.

This app is designed to be compatible with almost all Android VR headsets. You just have to look for 360 videos on YouTube to maximize the features of this application.

Download here:

Apps Entertainment Google LLC DOWNLOAD

3. InCell VR

InCell VR is an application that you can use to study human anatomy. This application is actually more suitable to be called a learning game for children, really.

In this game, you will play a hero from the future who has shrunk his body like Ant-Man to enter the human body.

There, you will fight viruses while gradually learning about anatomy. This game is certainly more exciting with the VR format.

Download here:


4. VR Thrills: Roller Coaster 360

If you want to experience riding a ride Roller Coaster but don't have time to go to Dufan, you can try using this application, gang.

VR Thrills: Roller Coaster 360 invites you to experience an authentic roller coaster ride like a real one. This game has also been downloaded more than 10 million times.

When playing this game, you will feel like riding a real roller coaster. Very suitable for those of you who have a history of heart disease.

Download here:

Apps Entertainment Rabbit Mountain DOWNLOAD

5. Google Expeditions

Virtual Reality allows us to feel where we want to be without the need to step out of the room.

That's what the application was created for Google Expeditions. Through this application coupled with a VR headset, you can travel the world, gang.

Starting from the mountains, to museums around the world. There are total 900 tours that you can enjoy with this application.

Download here:

Apps Drivers & Smartphones Google Inc. DOWNLOAD

6. Minos Starfighter VR

Want to feel like a warplane pilot in space like in the movies Star Wars? Minos Starfighter VR could be your answer.

You will face planes controlled by evil aliens. Take control of your plane and shoot down all the enemies in front of you.

Real-life picture and sound quality make this game one of the best VR apps. No wonder you need to take out IDR 17,000,- to get this game.

Download here:

Orange Bridge Studios Inc. Simulation Games. DOWNLOAD

7. Google Daydream

Another official VR app made by Google. Google Daydream specially designed for VR headsets that support the Google Daydream platform.

Unlike Cardboard, which has standard features and is cheap, Google Daydream has more advanced features but is also more expensive.

This app is a portal for other VR apps powered by Daydream. You can search for VR videos, VR apps, and tune your VR Daydream headset.

Download here:

Apps Entertainment Google LLC DOWNLOAD

That's Jaka's article about the 7 best VR applications for Android phones. The increasingly sophisticated VR technology certainly makes these seven applications have high quality.

However, you also have to have a device that supports VR first. The higher the price, usually the better the VR experience provided.

See you again in the next Jaka article!

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