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BNI SMS Banking: how to register, transfer and check balance

BNI SMS Banking makes it easy for you to transact via HP. Here's how to use BNI SMS Banking, from registering to transferring!

BNI SMS Banking makes it easier for customers to transact anywhere and anytime using only their cellphones.

For you BNI bank customers, you can also, you know, make banking transactions through this SMS Banking service quite easily.

BNI SMS Banking can be accessed in 3 ways, starting from SMS, BNI SMS Banking menu, and USSD services, gangs.

But this time Jaka will explain how to SMS Banking BNI via SMS, which according to Jaka is the simplest way. Come on, see the explanation below!

How to SMS Banking Latest BNI

Photo source: BNI Bank, BNI SMS Banking Format

For information, SMS Banking is different from BNI mobile banking and internet banking because SMS Banking does not require USER ID and Password.

You just type SMS syntax on the messaging application on your cellphone, you will be able to enjoy the various services that BNI provides.

The method is quite easy and you can do it for various purposes from checking balances, transferring money, to making various payments.

How to Register for BNI SMS Banking

Of course, to be able to enjoy the BNI SMS Banking service above, you need to register first, gang.

Actually, how to register for BNI SMS Banking via HP also requires you to visit the nearest ATM. Check out the steps below.

  1. Visit the nearest BNI ATM, then insert the BNI Debit card into the ATM machine, then select menu e-Channel Registration

  2. Next, select menu BNI SMS Banking and Enter your active cellphone number that you want to use.

  3. Enter a 6-digit BNI SMS Banking PIN (you can distinguish it from an ATM PIN) and avoid using consecutive numbers and the same number (example: 123456 or 000000).

  4. Enter the OTP code by checking in your messaging application whether there is an SMS from 3346 (BNI) for the OTP code. After getting it, enter the OTP code for financial activation.

  5. SMS Banking registration is successful! You will get an activation receipt from a BNI ATM and you will also receive an SMS from 3346.

In addition to using an ATM, you can also do BNI SMS Banking registration through BNI branches. The trick, you just need to come to the nearest BNI branch by bringing:

  • Identity (KTP, SIM, and Passport)

  • Proof of Ownership of BNI Account

Later, the officer will assist you in the registration and registration process for BNI SMS Banking.

How to Check BNI Balance via SMS Banking

After success, you can check the balance in your BNI account via the BNI SMS Banking service. To do this, follow these steps.

  1. Make sure you have credit to make this transaction. Then open the message or message application on your cellphone, be it Android or iOS.

  2. Type the required Syntax by typing sal then send to 3346.

Photo source: Syntax display sent to check balance with BNI SMS banking

  1. You will get a reply from 3346 which contain the remaining balance in your BNI savings account.

How to Transfer BNI SMS Banking

If you want to make a money transfer, either to other BNI banks or between banks. BNI's SMS Banking service allows its customers to send money via SMS.

The transfer method via SMS Banking BNI is slightly different compared to transfers using the application or via ATM.

Here are the steps on how to transfer money via SMS Banking BNI that you can follow.

How to Transfer BNI SMS Banking with News

  1. Open the Message or Message application on your cellphone, make sure you have credit to make this transaction. Then open the message or message application on your cellphone, be it Android or iOS.

  2. To transfer to a BNI account with news, you type TRANSFER(Destination Account No)(Nominal Transfer)#Berita# then send to 3346.

Photo source: The second step in a series of ways to transfer BNI SMS Banking

How to Transfer BNI SMS Banking Without News

To transfer to a BNI account without news, you type, TRANSFER(Destination Account Number)(Nominal Transfer))(Recipient's Phone Number) then send to 3346.

Photo source: Syntax format for how to transfer BNI SMS Banking without news.

How to Transfer BNI SMS Banking (Interbank)

Well, for those of you who are looking for a way to transfer BNI SMS Banking to BCA, BRI, Mandiri, or other banks, you can follow the steps below.

For interbank transfers, you type TRANSFERINTERBANK(Bank Code+Destination Account)(Transfer Amount)## then send to 3346.

Photo source: Syntax display for how to transfer money via SMS Banking BNI between banks.

Note: For a list of bank codes, you can check the list below.

Photo source: Prima, the bank code used in the BNI SMS Banking via transfer method.

Then, how much BNI SMS Banking transfer limit? Both transfers to other BNI Banks or interbank transfers, you will get a transfer limit IDR 10 million per day.

How to Transfer SMS Banking to BNI Virtual Account

Meanwhile, for transfers via Virtual Account, you need the BNI SMS Banking application. Follow the steps that Jaka describes below, OK!

  1. Open the BNI SMS Banking application on your cellphone. After that, select the Transfer menu.

  2. In column No. Destination account, type the Virtual Account number and the transfer amount. If you have, click Yes.

  3. You will get an SMS from 3346 contains a confirmation message. Reply by typing type 2nd and 6th PIN digits, then send.

Other BNI SMS Banking Formats

There are several other BNI SMS Banking formats and functions that you may need such as account lists, changing pins and others.

Other SMS Banking Functions

Transaction MutationHST
DPLK accountINQDPLK(Rek No. DPLK (BNI Simponi))
Check BNI Credit Card BillsTAGBNI(BNI Credit Card Number)
Change PINPIN(New PIN)(Old PIN)
Change AccountCHANGING ACCOUNT (Account No. to be used for SMS Banking Transactions)

How to Check Post-Paid Cellular Bills with BNI SMS Banking

Kartu HaloTAGHALO(HALO Card Cellphone Number)
Indosat OoredooTAGINDOSAT(Mobile Number Indosat)
TelkomTAGTELKOM(4 digit Area Code+Tel No.)
XL XplorTAGPLOR(Xplor Mobile Number)
3(Tri)TAG(Tri's cellphone number)
SmartphoneTAGSMARTFREN(Smartfren Phone Number)

How to Check Internet Bills via SMS Banking BNI

Internet ProviderSyntax
IndovisionTAGINDOVISION(Customer ID No.)
TransvisionTAGTRANSVISION(Customer ID No.)
TelkomTAGTELKOM(Customer ID No.)

How to Pay Credit Cards with BNI SMS Banking

Credit cardSyntax
BNIPAYBNI(Credit Card Number)(Payment Amount)
ANZPAYANZ(Credit Card Number)(Payment Amount)
BRIPAYBRI(Credit Card Number)(Payment Amount)
BukopinPAYBUKOPIN(Credit Card Number)(Payment Amount)
CitibankPAYCITIBANK(Credit Card Number)(Payment Amount)
CIMB NiagaPAYNIAGA(Credit Card Number)(Payment Amount)
DanamonPAYDANAMON(Credit Card Number)(Payment Amount)
HSBCPAYHSBC(Credit Card Number)(Payment Amount)
Mega BankPAYMEGA(Credit Card Number)(Payment Amount)
Gem BankPAYPERMATA(Credit Card Number)(Payment Amount)
Standard CharteredPAYSCB(Credit Card Number)(Payment Amount)
PaninPAYPANIN(Credit Card Number)(Payment Amount)

Pay Postpaid Phone Bills

TelkomPAYTELKOM(4 digit Area Code+Tel No.)
Telkomsel HELLOPAYHALO(HALO Card Cellphone Number)
IndosatPAYINDOSAT(No.Mobile Indosat)
XL XplorPAYPLOR(Xplor Mobile Number)
Three (3)PAY(Tri's cellphone number)
SmartphonePAYSMARTFREN(Smartfren Phone Number)

Pay Internet bills via BNI SMS Banking

Internet ProviderSyntax
MNC Vision/Indovision/TopTV/OkayvisionPAYMNCVISION(Customer No.)
First MediaPAYFIRSTMEDIA(Customer No.)
TransvisionPAYTRANSVISION(Customer No.)
Telkom InternetPAYTELKOM(Customer No.)

How to Top Up Credit via BNI SMS Banking

TelkomselTOP(Mobile Number)(Nominal)
Indosat OoredooTOP(Mobile Number)(Nominal)
XL/AxisTOPL(Mobile Number)(Nominal)
3 (Tri)TOP(Mobile Number)(Nominal)
SmartphoneTOPFREN(Mobile Number)(Nominal)

How to Top Up GoPay via BNI SMS Banking

Top Up TypeSyntax
Go-Pay Customer Top UpTOPGOPAYCUSTOMER(Tel No.)(Nominal)
Top Up Go-Jek DriverTOPGOPAYDRIVER(Tel No.)(Nominal)
Top Up Go-Pay MerchantTOPGOPAYMERCHANT(Tel No.)(Nominal)

How to make various payments via SMS Banking BNI

Type of paymentSyntax
BPJS HealthPAYBPJSTKES(Participant Code)(Number of Months)
Water/PAM and IPLPAYPAM(Name of PDAM or IPL)(No. of Customer)
PLN Electricity BillPAYPLN(Customer ID No.)
Garuda IndonesiaPAYGARUDA(Pay Code)
sea ​​lionPAYLION(Pay Code)
CitilinkPAYCITILINK(Pay Code)
UNPAYPBB(Object No.)(SPPT Tax Year)
Local taxREGIONAL PAYPAJAK(Region)(Object No.)
SamsatPAYSAMSAT(Samsat Code+Pay Code)
PGNPAYPGN(Customer Number)

BNI SMS Banking Fees

For the SMS fee, you will be charged:

CostSMS SendSMS Receive Non-FinancialSMS Receive Financial
TelkomselRp300 - Rp400Rp600 - Rp660Rp1,200 - Rp1,320
Other providersRp250 - Rp400Rp300 - Rp650Rp935 - Rp1,300

That's some how to SMS Banking BNI. To get a more complete SMS syntax, you can check on the official BNI website.

In addition to the BNI SMS banking method, Jaka also has an article on how to easily use BRI SMS Banking, gang! Listen, yes.

Hopefully this information is useful for all of you, and see you in the next articles.

Also read articles about SMS or other interesting articles from Andini Anissa.

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