
7 popular game genres that are often misunderstood

Sometimes people think that the two are the same, even though the difference is very far. So on this occasion, I will explain 7 game genres that are misunderstood.

Games are entertainment that has been worldwide and many who play it. Games also have many types from small games to large games that have been grouped by genre. Genre is a grouping of games based on the type of game, such as Adventure, Action, Shooter, and many more.

But there are still many people who don't know the difference and sometimes misinterpret some game genres, for example the difference between RPG and Adventure. Sometimes people think that the two are the same, even though the difference is very far. Now on this occasion, I will explain 7 game genres that are misunderstood. What's wrong?

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Here are 7 Game Genres that are Misunderstood

1. RPG (Role-Playing Game)

There are still many people who don't know the true meaning of this game genre, RPG is not an Adventure game that we often encounter, where we can explore and move as we please. Just from the name Role-Playing Game which in Indonesian is Role Play where we play a role there and we don't just play one character in the story but many characters who collaborate to complete the story.

So a real game pure or the original RPG is Final Fantasy, Atlantica Online, Seven Knight, and other games that are gameplaythey attack alternately and use more than one character.

2. MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game)

Well, sometimes people here misinterpret MMORPG, because many games with the MMORPG genre say that it is an Adventure game. It's not wrong, but actually MMORPG games usually adhere to the Action and Adventure genres because action games are games where we can move the characters in the game freely and are not bound by the rules of taking turns attacking. So the game includes action games where the movements of the characters we play can move agilely and don't completely depend on strategy.

3. FPS (First Person Shooter)

In fact, FPS games are manifold games shooter and the FPS genre. The FPS genre is taken from the placement of players in the game, First Person Shooter has the main characteristic, namely the First Person Viewpoint, where we are placed as people who are directly involved. Examples of the famous FPS genre games Call Of Duty, BattleField, Medal Of Honor, and others

4. TPS (Third Person Shooter)

This genre is indeed the same as FPS, but the difference is in the placement of characters in the game. Actually not much different from FPS games. TPS has its own place because it is different from FPS. FPS games usually have advantages such as hiding in walls but we can still see the enemy and then shoot them. Unlike the TPS, if we hide, the enemy is invisible. So now you can tell the difference between the two right? Examples of well-known TPS genre games are Ghost Raccoon and Sniper Elite.

5. Simulator

Games with this one genre are very often misunderstood. Because there are so many kinds and kinds of it, many have clarified it as another game. Simulation games have their own meaning, namely simulation or imitation of reality. Simulation games are games where we can feel what the real game is like, because simulator games are made in such a way to feel like real.

6. Adventure

This genre is also often interpreted as an RPG game, but in fact it is not. Because adventure games are games where we are asked to explore the game and don't have too deep fantasy elements. More concerned with the story and the journey.

7. Action

This game genre is one that is often misinterpreted and is often included in the RPG group, even though the reality is different. Action Game is a game that explores the theme of fast and agile where players are required to attack and dodge at uncertain times, without rules, and only prioritizes defeating the enemy quickly and precisely. Games that have action genres include God Of War, Assassin's Creed, Batman, and many more.

Now, of the 7 game genres above, there are actually many game genres that are misinterpreted, but the genres above are the most frequent. After reading this article, we will know and be able to tell the difference, and it will be easier for us to find which game genre we want to play. So it will not be confused with other genres.

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