Tech Hack

how to track a cellphone with the latest imei 2021

How to track a cellphone by IMEI so that it can be found? Jaka has the complete method here!

How to track cellphones with IMEI is said to be one of the most accurate ways to track cellphones when you lose your cellphone.

Every cellphone that we buy officially and original must have an IMEI or International Mobile Equipment Identity consisting of 15 or 16 digit numbers.

Well, the IMEI function itself is as an identity number for a cellphone. It's like an ID card, if it's for us.

Thanks to this function, you can search for a lost or stolen cellphone and make your cellphone no longer usable by the person who has it now. How to do? Listen carefully, yes!

How to Check IMEI

First of all, of course you need to know your IMEI number first. There are 3 ways you can try, namely:

  1. Type *#06# in the Call menu, later you will immediately get a _pop-up_ message that displays the IMEI number.
  1. Open menu Settings > About Phone > Status > IMEI.
  1. If you still have the HP box that you got when you bought it, you can also see the IMEI number listed.

If you have found it, enter the IMEI number on the Ministry of Industry website to ensure that the IMEI of your device is registered with the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia.

How to Track Lost Cellphone with IMEI

If you really want to track down a lost cellphone using IMEI, you will need a long time because you have to get a certificate from the authorities.

What is the letter for? Well, the letter will be used as a request to the party provider telecommunications to track your lost cell phone.

This is because every cell phone that has an IMEI number is directly connected to the Internet database the operator SIM card you are using.

Of course, how to track a cellphone via IMEI will involve several parties so you have to be patient with the process, but it can be said that this method is safe because your privacy data will be more awake.

Want to try this solution? Come on, see how the following!

  1. Make sure you already know the IMEI number of your cellphone.
  2. Call the cellular operator and tell them that you have lost your cellphone and want to track it using IMEI, later you will be asked to make a loss statement from the police.
  3. Call the local police and ask for the necessary paperwork.
  4. Phone call center from provider telecommunications that you use, you can also visit the outlets directly.
  5. Inform IMEI number and mobile number to customer service.
  6. You will get the location where your HP is.

There is something you need to remember, that is, this can only be done if the lost HP has internet connection, GPS, the phone is active, and the SIM card is still there.

If the SIM card has been replaced by the perpetrator who has your cellphone at that time, the location of the cellphone will also not be known.

If your cellphone turns out to be dead, you can read Jaka's article about how to find a lost cellphone when it's off.

Alternatives Other Than How to Track HP Using IMEI

Have you read the steps to find a cellphone with IMEI above but feel that the method is too complicated to do?

Relax, Jaka has another option for those of you who want to track your cellphone in an easier way, namely using an application Find My Device.

There are several advantages of this method, namely:

  • Knowing the location of HP
  • Can lock the phone remotely
  • Can delete all data on HP manually
  • Can be used by Android and iPhone users

Want to know more about how to use it? Please read the following Jaka article, yes:


That's how to track a cellphone with IMEI which is actually very safe, it's just that you really need to make more effort to do it.

If you want a simple solution, please try using the Find My Device application as Jaka explained, OK!

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