
10 best shooter games that you can play on your android smartphone

Do you like to play shooting games? Try this 10 best shooter game JalanTikus version. Guaranteed fun!

On this occasion we will discuss about this game. More correctly shooting games exciting. There are tons of shooting games to play for Android. However, not all of them are interesting.

Well, this time Jaka wants to give list of shooting games alias shooter games best for you to play this week. Curious what games? Come on, see the review below.

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10 Best Shooter Games You Can Play on Your Android Smartphone

1. Sniper 3D Assassin: Shoot to Kill

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Sniper 3D Assassin is a shooter game that can be played alone. In principle, this game is similar to deer hunter game, it's just that the target is a criminal or a terrorist. In this game later we will be given a weapon that we can choose and upgrade as needed. Even though most of the weapons are presented paid, this game still offers free weapons that we can upgrade to completion.

2. Clear Vision 3: Sniper Shooter

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Just like 3D Sniper games, this game is also a shooter game to kill enemies use sniper guns. The difference is the graphics given in this game very minimalist, suitable for Android devices that do not have high specifications. The characters in the game are also not very prominent. The missions provided are relatively unique and the weapons are also still simple, but can still be adjusted according to needs.

3. Gun Club 3

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Games Gun Club 3 give variety modern weapons which can be collected, improved, then we use as needed. There are various kinds of weapons such as Beretta M9 until the gun AWP snipers we can get here. In this game does not feature gameplay like shooter games in general. The gameplay is more like a shooting simulation that focuses on shooting range and accuracy.

There are many missions and scenarios which we can play. So it is guaranteed that Gun Club 3 will provide a fun gaming experience.

4. Deer Hunter 2017

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Deer Hunter 2017 is a shooter game that focuses on hunting missions. In this game we will role as hunter who must complete the mission and collect the head of the game. Hunting results, speed, and accuracy will add bonus points that we can accumulate to buy and upgrade hunting equipment.

There are also missions other than hunting that we can play. So play the game Deer Hunter 2017 won't bore us with a monotonous gameplay.

5. Pixel Gun 3D

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For you fans Minecraft, definitely will not be foreign to the appearance of the game Pixel Gun 3D. In this game, the graphic display and all objects such as characters, ghosts, zombies, Skeletons, and others are designed in a way like Minecraft.

The difference between this game and Minecraft is on the gameplay. In Pixel Gun 3D, the goal is none other than kill all the monsters as much as possible.


6. N.O.V.A. 3: Freedom Edition

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For fans sci-fi based on action-adventure, do not miss this one game. Games that carry thrilling actions, modern futuristic weapons, and unique powers, guaranteed all the excitement of this game is worth juxtaposing with PC games that are generally made for game console with big screen. However, don't worry, this game is perfect for playing on your device mobile.

7. Dead Effect

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How does it feel when you wake up alone in the spaceship dark and lonely, no friends at all, then suddenly zombies run wild after you? This is what you will get when you play Dead Effect. Basically, this game takes a movie-like setting Aliens, but the aliens here are replaced with zombies.

Don't worry about the difficulty level of this game. We can recharge life by standing on medical pod which has been provided so that the gameplay is fun can still continue until finished.

8. Fields of Battle

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Fields of Battle is a game that is suitable to be played if you don't like it with a shooter game that smells terrible and is full of blood. This game is designed for players of all ages can play it. The trick is to change weapons using paintball. Bullets were replaced with catballs, and blood too use paint, so this game looks unique.

Even so, don't think that this game is very easy to play. To win this game, rely on how accurate is long range shot and a solid team strategy.

9. Overkill: Survival

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This game is very suitable to play if you like simplicity and ease in gameplay. When playing we only have to focus on the gun or weapon, keeping the character in order stay ready when the enemy's head comes out of hiding to prepare to fire. To be honest, this game is more like a game arcade classic, but still challenging to play today.

10. Blitz Brigade

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Blitz Brigade is an exciting FPS-based game that can be played by many people online on line. Players can join the match with Maximum team 6 people, depending on the map.

Totally available 5 characters that we can unlock and there are a lot of weapons that can be purchased and obtained when winning games or completing certain missions.

That's the list 10 best shooter games which you can play this week. Which one is your favourite? If you have a list of other favorite games, please share them in the comments column below. Hope it is useful.

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