Social & Messaging

this is the difference between emoji, emoticon and sticker

Of course you don't know the difference between emojis, emoticons, and stickers. Well, by reading this article, you will know what the difference is.

These days, who doesn't like chatting? Along with the development of technology, messaging is also growing rapidly. In the past, you could only exchange messages with the SMS service. Who would have thought, now you can do this for free using the application.

This activity became popular after the presence of BBM, WhatsApp, LINE, and so on applications entered the smartphone system, so you just have to access them in one hand. Yes, to operate it, you only need to pay for an Internet package, then you can exchange messages with anyone, whenever, and wherever you want through these applications.

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Difference Between Emojis, Emoticons and Stickers

With this active activity, of course, there are often misunderstandings in doing things texting. This usually occurs due to two-way communication that flat, there is no element of emotion in it, because you will never know the face of your interlocutor right? So that the difference in your meaning with the him is not connected, it becomes a fight. Well, for that emoji, emoticons, and stickers are here for you.

We will discuss one by one, yes, so that you are not confused about the differences between these three creatures, Hehehe.

1. Who Made Emojis?

Emoticon is a term from Japanese which means character image. Basically, emoji are used in electronic pages, or exchanging text messages. As emoji became popular, as time went on, emoji exploded out of Japan. Wow!

Emoji creator himself is Shigetaka Kurita in the year around 1998 - 1999. He is part of a team working on an NTT DoCoMo mobile Internet platform. The first emoji were only 12 x 12 pixels in size. Starting from here, emoji producers began to increase from year to year.

2. Then, Who Makes Emoticons?

Emoticons itself is a combination of words between 'emotion' which means emotion, and 'icon' which means the image of a saint literally. Making this emoticon does have the same purpose as emoji, but emoticons refer more to a symbol or a combination of symbols that express human faces that contain emotions.

Many claim to be the creators and first users of emoticons. However, of the many people or parties who claim to be the creators, Scott Fahlman was the first to use emoticons ':-)' and ':-('.

3. Then What About Stickers?

Decal is a detailed illustration of a character that represents the emotional feeling as well as the action you want to perform in the messaging activity. It is also a mix of Japanese cartoons and emojis such as the smiley sign. However, stickers are more diverse than emoticons and emojis. Because, stickers not only display facial expressions, but also body reactions so that the character is stronger.

Stickers are from Japan made in 2011, when the company named Naver start developing LINE in the land of Sakura. Then, in early 2012, the apps and profile characters featured in LINE's sticker collection grew rapidly. Not only in Japan, but also worldwide, and several other apps are also joining in on using stickers as a way to channel our emotions in messaging.

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Have you understood yet? So, the difference between emojis, emoticons, and stickers is obvious, right? Emoji is an image that tends to only show facial emotions or emotions mood person. However, over time, emoji have undergone many developments, there are images of hearts, clouds, telephone receivers, bells, and so on.

Meanwhile, emoticons are simply a combination of symbols that are available anywhere, including on your smart device. The combination also does show a person's emotional state, but tends not to touch the other person. Then the sticker also has the same figure, but the character it displays is much stronger. You must often use stickers to express your feelings, right? Hehehe.

That's the difference between emojis, emoticons and stickers and a glimpse into their history. Even though most of you don't care about this difference, at least you can understand what and know about three things that are very familiar in the world of messaging. mobile this. Write your opinion in the comments column below.

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