
very easy! how to make your own ccleaner for free

To clean junk files, the favorite software is CCleaner. By using CCleaner, guaranteed junk files will be clean. But the name of the software, of course, will burden your PC. Think CCleaner is heavy? Let's make it ourselves!

When using a computer, there will be junk files. Whether from temporary files, browsing cache, software installation data and others.

To clean it all, the favorite software is CCleaner. By using CCleaner, guaranteed junk files will be clean. But the name of the software, of course, will burden your PC. Think CCleaner is heavy? Let's make it ourselves!

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How to Make Your Own CCleaner for Free

Photo source: Image: VentureBeat

The function of this artificial CCleaner is more or less the same as the original CCleaner. But the difference is, this is guaranteed to be very light. The cool thing is, there is no need to install and the size is only 5KB. Go ahead, here's how...

Steps How To Make Your Own CCleaner Free

Step 1

Press "Start", type "Notepad" then press "Enter".

Step 2

Enter the following codes...

@echo off title CCleaner JalanTikus

:menu cls echo ------------------------------------- echo CCleaner JalanTikus echo ----- -------------------------------- echo. echo Select tools: echo ============= echo. echo [1] Delete Internet Cookies echo Function to delete text that is stored while you surf. echo. echo [2] Delete Temporary Internet Files echo Function to clear cache while you surf. echo. echo [3] Optimization of Hard Disk Space echo Function to delete unused files and folders on the hard disk. echo. echo [4] Hard Disk Defragment echo Serves to rearrange files on hard disk blocks, so that files can be accessed more quickly. echo. echo [5] Exit echo. set /p op=Run: if %op%==1 goto 1 if %op%==2 goto 2 if %op%==3 goto 3 if %op%==4 goto 4 if %op%==5 goto exit goto error :1 cls echo ------------------------------------------- echo Delete Internet Cookies echo ------------------------------------------- echo. echo Deleting Cookies... ping localhost -n 3 >nul del /f /q "%userprofile%\Cookies*." cls echo ------------------------------------- echo Delete Internet Cookies echo ----- -------------------------------- echo. echo Cookies deleted. echo. echo Press any key to return to the menu. . . pause >nul goto menu :2 cls echo ------------------------------------- echo Delete Temporary Internet Files echo ------------------------------------------- echo.echo Deleting Temporary Files... ping localhost -n 3 >nul del /f /q "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files*." cls echo ------------------------------------- echo Delete Temporary Internet Files echo ---- --------------------------------- echo. echo Temporary Internet Files deleted. echo. echo Press any key to return to the menu... pause >nul goto menu :3 cls echo ------------------------------------ - echo Disk Cleanup echo ------------------------------------------- echo. echo Running Disk Cleanup.. . ping localhost -n 3 >nul if exist "C:\WINDOWS\temp"del /f /q "C:WINDOWS\temp*." if exist "C:\WINDOWS\tmp" del /f /q "C:\WINDOWS\tmp*." if exist "C:\tmp" del /f /q "C:\tmp*." if exist "C:\temp" del /f /q "C:\temp*." if exist "%temp%" del /f /q "%temp%*." if exist "%tmp%" del /f /q "%tmp%*." if not exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users*." goto skip if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.zip" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.zip" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.exe" del "C:\ WINDOWS\Users*.exe" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.gif" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.gif" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users* .jpg" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.jpg" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.png" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.png" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.bmp" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.bmp" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.avi" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users*. avi" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.mpg" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.mpg" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.mpeg" del " C:\WINDOWS\Users*.mpeg" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.ra" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.ra" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS \Users*.ram" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.ram"/f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.mp3" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.mp3" /f / q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.mov" del "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.mov" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.qt" del "C:\WINDOWS\ Users*.qt" /f /q if exist "C:\WINDOWS\Users*.asf" del "C:\WINDOWS\User s*.asf" /f /q :skip if not exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users*. goto skippy /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp*.zip del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users*.zip /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp* .exe del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users*.exe /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp*.gif del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users*.gif /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp*.jpg del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users*.jpg /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp*.png del C:\WINDOWS \Users\Users*.png /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp*.bmp del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users*.bmp /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users \AppData\Temp*.avi del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users*.avi /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp*.mpg del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users*.mpg /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp*.mpeg del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users*.mpeg /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp*.ra del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users*.ra /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp*.ram del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users*.ram /f /q if exist C :\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp*.mp3 del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users*.mp3 /f / q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp*.asf del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users*.asf /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp*.qt del C: \WINDOWS\Users\Users*.qt /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\Users\AppData\Temp*.mov del C:\WINDOWS\Users\Users*.mov /f /q :skippy if exist "C :\WINDOWS\ff.tmp" del C:\WINDOWS\ff.tmp /f /q if exist C:\WINDOWS\ShellIconCache del /f /q "C:\WINDOWS\ShellI~1*.*" cls echo ---------------- --------------------- echo Disk Cleanup echo ------------------------- ------------ echo. echo Disk Cleanup successful! echo. pause goto menu :4 cls echo ------------------------------------------- echo Disk Defragment echo -- -------------------------------------------------- echo. echo Defragmenting hard disks... ping localhost -n 3 >nul defrag -c -v cls echo -------------------------------------------- -------- echo Disk Defragment echo ------------------------------------- echo . echo Disk Defrag successful! echo. pause goto menu :error cls echo Command not recognized. ping localhost -n 4 >nul goto menu :exit

echo Done, thanks. ping >nul exit

Step 3

Do "Save As" by the name "CCleaner.Bat Mouse Path".

Step 4

Double click file "CCleaner.Bat Mouse Path" that you just made. Done, enjoy your own CCleaner.

It's really amazing, with only 5KB of text, it turns out that it can be transformed into CCleaner. Good luck!

Oh yes, make sure you read related articles for Free or other interesting articles from 1S.

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