
how to fix instagram stops itself, easy and fast!

Have you ever been busy playing Instagram and then suddenly "Instagram has Stopped" appears? This is the solution! Here's how to fix Instagram stops on its own.

Instagram So the most popular social media for kids today. Have you ever been busy watching the Instagram timeline and then suddenly a notification pops up Instagram Has Stopped and the Instagram app stops on its own?

It must be annoying huh guys, if you have experienced this, there are several things you can do to overcome it. The causes of Instagram stopping can also be various, here are Jaka's tips. here how to fix Instagram stops on its own.

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Here are 4 Ways to Overcome Instagram that Stops or Closes Alone

Application Instagram that keeps stopping can be caused by several things guys. To solve the problem of Instagram stopping, there are also several. Here are some why Instagram stopped :

  • Instagram application cache overload
  • Instagram bug and needs updating
  • Few memories left
  • Multiple applications running at the same time
  • Etc.

To overcome various why Instagram stopped Jaka will give you tips one by one. Here are 4 ways to deal with Instagram stopping itself that you can try:

1. Clear Cache and Recent Apps on Smartphone

To be able to run the Instagram application does require a large enough memory. Therefore, the number of applications running and piled up junk files can cause Instagram to stop. Due to insufficient memory to run this application.

To overcome the cause of Instagram keeps stopping this one you need clean recent apps you guys. To clear cache you can do it manually or with an application. Here's a more complete explanation of the cache:


2. Clear Instagram Data

One of the reasons why Instagram has stopped can also be due to poor Instagram data it's too bigguys. To overcome this, you can clear Instagram data. In this way Instagram on your smartphone is like a newly installed application. Here's how:

  • To solve Instagram stopping itself in this way, first you have to open Settings menu on your smartphone. Then go to Apps settings.
  • After that select the Instagram application. Next tap on Clear Data option so that you can overcome Instagram that stopped by itself.
  • It will appear later pop-up confirm, and just tap OKguys.

This way all Instagram data on your smartphone will be clean and like new. When opening the Instagram application after the clear data process you must re-login to your account.

3. Update Instagram to the Latest Version

The Instagram application that stops itself can also be caused because there is a bug in the application system. That can happen if you rarely update the application. Usually each application will provide updates to improve the system and eliminate bugs from the previous version.

So, to solve the problem of Instagram stopping yourself, you can take the following steps: Instagram updates to the latest version. The method is easy, and must be familiar to you, Open the Play Store app > Open the Instagram app > Then select Update.

4. Restart Your Smartphone

Sometimes your smartphone also needs rest and refreshment guys, the method just restart just. If your smartphone is rarely restarted, it can cause a pile of junk files and one of them can cause the Instagram application to stop itself.

So to fix it, try restarting your smartphone guys. By restarting your smartphone will start work from scratch again. Hope this solves the problem of Instagram stopping on its own.

Well that's him guys Jaka's tips for how how to fix Instagram stops on its own. The four ways are very easy and practical to do. Hopefully it can help solve the problem of the Instagram application stopping continuously.

Also read articles about Instagram or other interesting articles from Chaeroni Fitri.

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