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watch Melodylan (2019) full movie!

Curious to watch a teen romance drama film entitled Melodylan? You can watch it for free here, you know! (Full Movie)

Simultaneously screened in Indonesian cinemas on April 4, 2019, the film Melodylan apparently attracted the attention of teenagers who were curious about the love story featured in the film, gang.

Moreover, this Melodylan film actually stars talented young Indonesian actors and actresses who at that time were on the rise.

Well, for those of you who are curious to watch one of these Indonesian films, it's better to read the following synopsis first, gang!

Synopsis of Melodylan

Melodylan film tells the story of Melody (Aisyah Aqilah) who decides to change schools because he is avoiding every problem in his life, including with his ex-lover.

At her new school, Melody hopes that she can have a new, calmer and happier life.

However, hope doesn't always come true, the problem just reappears when Melody gets to know the figure Dylan (Devano Danendra) who is the idol of many students in his school.

The news of the closeness between Melody and Dylan finally spread to all corners of the school including Bella (Zoe Abbas Jackson), a beautiful student who is considered the closest to Dylan.

This news also makes Bianca (Naima Al Jufri), a student who likes to make trouble and always tries to approach Dylan is annoyed that she herself can never approach Dylan.

Not only female students who are not happy with the closeness of the two, Fathur (Angga Yunanda) who are also close to Melody are not too happy with this news, gang.

Melody is getting more and more upset when her introduction to Dylan actually causes new problems in her life. Then, will Melody stay away from Dylan so that no other schoolgirl is jealous of her?

Interesting Facts about Melodylan Movie

Showing the love story of teenagers, Melody and Dylan, this film also has some interesting facts that people rarely know, gang.

Want to know anything? Come on, take a look at the following interesting facts, gang!

  • Devano is often compared to Iqbaal Ramadhan who is also known as an actor and singer. Especially in this film, Devano plays a man named Dylan.

  • Melodylan is apparently a film adapted from a teenage novel by Astri Aci, you know, gang.

  • Showing a teenage love story full of twists and turns, Melodylan's film took a year of preparation.

  • Not only does it take a long time to prepare, the Melodylan film also takes six months to produce, gang.

  • The director, Fajar Nugros, initially felt difficult because the story was too far from his age when he directed this film.

Watch Melodylan Movie

Reviews (Number of Reviewers)8.8 (9)
Duration1 hour 32 minutes
Release DateApril 4, 2019
DirectorDawn Nugros

Yogie Supra

PlayerDevano Danendra

Angga Yunanda

Starring rising teenage actors and actresses, it's not surprising that this film called Melodylan is very popular with teenagers of his age, gangs.

Well, for those of you who are curious about the full story of this film, you can watch the Melodylan movie below, gang. Check it out!

>>>Watch Melodylan Movie<<<

That was the synopsis and some interesting facts about the teen romance drama film full of twists and turns, Melodylan, the gang.

What interesting films do you want to watch? Write the answer in the comments column below, yes!

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