
important! this is the difference between open source software and freeware

In the world of computers, it cannot be separated from the use of software. Because it is an important part of the computer itself. Therefore, it is very important to know the difference between open source software and freeware.

In the world of computers, it cannot be separated from the use of software aliases software. This is an important part of the computer itself.

Software itself is a specific term for digitally formatted and stored data, including computer programs or applications. In other words, software is an intangible part of a computer system.

Software development requires a "programming language" written by programmer for further compilation with a compiler application so that it becomes code that can be recognized by the machine hardware.

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Important! This is the difference between Freeware and Open Source

Well, there are several types of software, including free software (freeware), trial (shareware/trialware), permanent software (firmware), free (free software), destroyer (malware), open source software (open source). In this article, ApkVenue discusses two types of software that are quite confusing and important to know, namely the differences freeware and open source.

The Real Meaning of Freeware Software

It turns out that software that ends in "ware" tends to be meant for sale. One of them is freeware and shareware.

Freeware often peddled to strengthen the brand or market the product. Usually sold for profit, but distributed for business or commercial purposes in order to expand the market share of "premium" products.

Free antivirus programs are examples of freeware software. Companies like AVG and McAfee provide free versions in an attempt to lure you to the paid versions.

The term freeware is generally used for computer software that has the right to be created free of charge and used indefinitely. Different from shareware which requires the user to pay, for example after a certain trial period or to obtain additional functionality.

Para developer indeed often create freeware software for the community, but they still retain their rights as developers and have control over further development. You are not allowed to modify or sell it and you do not have access to the source code.

The True Meaning of Open Source Software

Open source software is a type of software whose source code is open to study, change, improvement, and distribution. Because of this nature, development is generally carried out by an open community that aims to develop the software in question.

Often members of the community work voluntarily but can also be employees of a company who are paid to help develop the software. The resulting product is usually free while still adhering to certain ethics.

Furthermore, the advantages of open source software besides being free, that anyone can use and develop it. More supported by the community, so if there is a gap or bugs, will be fixed by the community soon.

While the lack of open source software, among others, sometimes confuses ordinary users. For those who are not used to using open source applications will find it difficult.


It's different with freeware which is not necessarily allowed to see the original code, open source software can be read programming codes according to the original. This programming code can also be changed, modified, and developed by us while still paying attention to the "rules of the game" that apply in accordance with the software license.

To understand the difference between these two types of software, consider the following illustration. For example, the company Microsoft at one time made one of its products free software. This means that anyone can get it for free. However, you are not allowed to later modify and develop the software product.

It can be concluded, open source software is definitely part of freeware. On the other hand, freeware is not necessarily open source.

With the characteristics described above, it is not wrong if we place high hopes on open source software as an alternative platform. Instead of using pirated software, we can use open source software.

Therefore, we must use and support open source development in various fields. Because open source makes the world more and more open, the impossible becomes possible. Now you understand the difference, right? Share in the comments column yes.

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