
youtube account banned? so avoid these 5 things

Therefore, ApkVenue will provide tips or ways if your YouTube account is banned by avoiding the 5 things below!

Become a YouTuber now it is done by most people. Not without reason, being a content creator in YouTube indeed promises a variety of benefits, such as large income and fame. However, that does not mean it is easy to do.

YouTube itself has a variety of strict rules for account owners. Some of these regulations if violated have serious consequences, namely between Youtube accounts being banned for time or even permanently if the violation is considered serious. Therefore, ApkVenue will provide tips or ways if your YouTube account is banned by avoiding the 5 things below!

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Avoid These 5 Things If You Don't Want Your YouTube Account To Be Banned!

1. Profile and Cover Photo

Photo source: Photo: YouTube/JalanTikus

Maybe this seems trivial and is rarely noticed by YouTubers, especially beginners. However, this can be a stumbling block if you carelessly use pictures for profiles and covers channel you. YouTube really doesn't like copyright infringement, including photos in your account.

Therefore, YouTube users usually post photos and covers for their channels that come from google image searches. Though this is strictly prohibited on YouTube, because it can violate copyright. Therefore, use original photos or images you made yourself for you to put on your profile and channel cover.

2. Video Titles and Thumbnails Don't Match the Contents

Photo source: Photo: YouTube/JalanTikus

Yes, maybe you've seen the video with the title or thumbnailsit doesn't match the content of the video. It is also strictly prohibited on YouTube as it is considered a scam.

Indeed, in making titles and thumbnails we are required to be as attractive as possible so that people want to watch our videos. However, you have to be careful because if it doesn't fit and seems like it's just chasing view, just waiting for time, your channel will be banned soon by the party YouTube.

3. Exaggerated Description

Photo source: Photo: YouTube/JalanTikus

Pursuing on page SEO is the main requirement so that your videos can be easily found and watched by many people. Of course, this technique is promising, but you should still use it carefully.

Several cases occur when the video description does not match the content of the video itself, where many popular words are embedded in pursuit of SEO. This does make your videos easy to find, but also easy to get banned by YouTube. Yes, because inappropriate and excessive words will be considered as spam by YouTube.

4. Excessive Meta Tags

Photo source: Photo: Seo-hacker

Just like descriptions, Meta Tags on YouTube videos are also useful so that your videos are easy to find and can be on the first page of YouTube. But, now YouTube is very strict rules for this one part.

Yes, it's still the same as the description, you shouldn't overdo it in including tags just for the sake of your video being easy to find and getting a lot of views. Due to excessive tags or even deviating from the content of the video, YouTube will be considered spam, and as a result, your account will certainly be banned.

5. Re-upload someone else's video

Photo source: Photo: Bangers and Nash

As said in the first point, YouTube really doesn't like copyright infringement. Re-upload Videos without the owner's permission are things that can get you permanently banned by YouTube.

We recommend that if you still want to re-upload, ask permission from the owner of the video in question or you can use the video with an open source license. In addition, there are also some people who embed other people's video footage, this is also feared to invite a 'storm' banned against your account. Better do it a little editing on the video clip.

Yes, that's the way if your YouTube account is banned, then avoid the 5 things above. Hopefully this is useful for those of you who are intensively uploading videos on YouTube.

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