
7 best free to play (f2p) games and 100% free!

The F2P games that we will discuss below are still fun to play even though they don't cost anything in them. Come on, see the following reviews.

F2P Games or Free-to-play is a game that does not cost anything to play. Players only need to download and install it, register, and start playing without being charged weekly or monthly fees unlike P2P games or Pay-to-play.

Although it sounds free, the downside is that F2P games don't have any full-content like a P2P game, meaning that we are still have to pay for some items who want to try. However, the F2P games that we will discuss below keep it fun to play even if it doesn't cost anything. Come on, see the following reviews.

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7 Best Free To Play (F2P) Games and 100% FREE!

1. Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2 is a type of MMO game like a game Point Blank or Counter Strike. But the unique thing is, even though we can still buy expensive accessories and weapons, it doesn't affect the player's strength, so the power system in Team Fortress 2 is balanced or not. balance.

Unlike other MMO games like CS:GO or Point Blank where are we can buy powerful weapons to excel in the game. Interestingly, in Team Fortress 2 there is a system trading, so between players can exchange weapons or sell weapons for real money to other players.

2. League of Legends

League of Legends or more often called LoL this is a MOBA game which is a combination of RPG and RTS genres. In the LoL game players will be challenged with various increasing levels, besides that players must also set the right strategy in order to continue to develop better. In LoL there are three types of game modes, namely: PVP, CO-OP vs AI, and Custom.

3. Hearthstone

Hearthstone is card games which takes the background of the world Warcraft. Hearthstone is currently playable for PC and Mobile versions for free. In general, Hearthstone is a multiplayer online game in which two players will take turns facing each other in playing cards from deck to take down his opponent. The uniqueness of this game from other card games is that it has a system gameplayspecial, ie each card needs a name to be used so that the use of names is very important in the game.

4. Neverwinter

neverwinter is an F2P game that deserves to be the center of attention. Although most F2P games always rely on items to keep them alive, but this different from this one game. Neverwinter is arguably a capable F2P game rely on uniqueness and quality to continue to this day.

One of the games Dungeons & Dragons This best game has advantages and is arguably one of the best MMORPGs, namely one of its unique features is the ability to create unique characters much higher level. In Neverwinter we can define roles job which is very decisive in battle, we can even choose religion to have a permanent effect in fighting.

5. DC Universe Online

DC Universe Online is an MMORPG game that gives you the opportunity to become a hero or a villain in the DC Universe, complete with the powers you want. Players can choose a hero or villain with super powers. Curious about the game? Come on, just play right now.

6. DotA 2

DotA 2 is a MOBA game which is a sequel to the game Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft 3: The Frozen of Throne. DotA 2 can be played by two teams of 5 players each. Each team has a main building named ancient.

Well, for every team that wants to win the game, then it must destroy the main building belongs to the enemy. This is where the fun of this game comes in, where we have to set strategy to break down enemy defenses while defending against enemy attacks. So, each player will control a hero who will be focused on contributing to each battle.

7. Warframes

Warframes can be the best choice if you want a game third person shooter Interesting free. The Warframe game has an advantage in the selection mode that can be selected at the beginning of the game. Even though it's free, Warframe can't be underestimated and has no quality. Because Warframe has its own uniqueness as a challenging free third person shooter game. Curious what the fun is like? Just play it right now.

There he is 7 best F2P or Free To Play games and 100% free Jack's version. Have you ever tried one of the games that ApkVenue discussed earlier? Please share your experience in the comments column below.

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