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10 interesting facts about pokemon, apparently the first pokemon was not Pikachu!

You've watched Detective Pikachu, haven't you? Try to read the interesting facts about this Pokemon first!

Pokemon really seems to never die. First released in 1995 (or 1998 for the English version), Pokemon still has fans all over the world.

Especially since the movie recently premiered Pokemon Detective Pikachu, where the cast of Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds, fill in the voice Pikachu.

It raises hype for Pokemon in general. Therefore, Jaka wants to love you 10 interesting facts about Pokemon, gang!

10 Interesting Facts About Pokemon

Pokemon (which stands for Poketto Monsuta/Pocket Monster) was originally a game created Satoshi Tajiri for Nintendo consoles, Game Boy.

As a game, Pokemon is the second most successful game of all time after the Mario series, which is also owned by Nintendo.

Pokemon's success made it penetrated into various media, such as card games, anime, manga, toys, and many others.

Even in the franchise, Pokemon ranks second after James Bond and Transformerslol!

here 10 interesting facts about Pokemon which Jaka has compiled from various sources!

1. The First Pokemon Created Wasn't Pikachu

Photo source: Pokemon Wiki - Fandom

Maybe many of you guessed that the first pokemon that was created was a popular pokemon like Pikachu, Bulbasaur, or Charmender.

Turns out, the first pokemon that was created was Rhydon! Even though it was made first, this pokemon that has a rhinoceros-like shape has an index number of 112.

2. Origin of the name Pikachu

Photo source: GeekTyrant

Of course for popularity, Pikachu is the number one choice. But, do you know where the name Pikachu came from?

Turns out, the name is a combination of sounds pika pika generated by an electric spark and chu which is used to describe the squeaking of a mouse in Japanese.

3. Pokemon Name Smells Spanish

Photo source: TheGamer

Pokemon comes from Japan, so it's only natural that there are Pokemon that smell like Japanese. But there are, you know, pokemon that use other languages ​​like Spanish.

An example is the legendary pokemon Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. The suffixes of their names are numbers one to three (uno, dos, tres) in Spanish.

Other Interesting Facts . . .

4. Martial Arts-Inspired Pokemon Names

Photo source: Yahoo

Do you know what kind of Pokemon fighter which name is Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee? Guess where their names come from?

Pay attention to the back of their name. You must have noticed that these two pokemon were inspired by two very famous martial arts actors, namely Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee.

5. Pikachu and Meowth Are Completely Opposites

photo source: nintendowire.com

Who is Pikachu's eternal and greatest enemy in the anime series? Who else if not Meowth belongs to the Rocket team.

There are so many opposites of them. For example, Pikachu looks like a mouse and Meowth looks like a cat.

In addition, Pikachu has an index number of 25, whereas Meowth has an index number of 52 which is the opposite.

In fact, Meowth can speak human language, while Pikachu can only say pickup.

6. Ditto Is A Failed Mew Copy

Photo source: YouTube

There is a myth in the world of Pokemon that humans are trying to make a clone of Mew. However, this attempt failed and instead created Pokemon slime which name is Ditto.

But we all know that in the end humans can make a clone of Mew by making Mewtwo.

7. Origin of the names Ekans and Arbok

Photo source: Devianart

If you like watching the first generation Pokemon anime, surely you know that one of the mainstay Pokemon from the Rocket team is Ekans which can evolve into Arbok.

Try to change the names of the two pokemon. Ekans if reversed becomes snake, and Arbok becomes cobra. Didn't think about it, huh?

8. The Pokemon Mascot Wasn't Originally Pikachu

Photo source: Pokemon Wiki - Fandom

If we ask just anyone, "what pokemon is the mascot?" surely many have answered Pikachu and it's true.

But in the beginning, the mascot of pokemon was Clefairy, an adorable pink pokemon.

Maybe Pokemon changed it because Clefairy was too feminine, so they decided to use Pikachu.

9. How to tell the difference between a male and female Pikachu

Photo source: Pokemon Blog

Did you know that Pikachu can be male or female? You can find this difference with just one look, you know!

Pay attention to the shape of the tail. If the tip of the tail is sharp, then it is male. Conversely, if it is shaped like a heart, then it is female.

10. Eevee Has The Most Types Of Changes

Photo source: Qfeast

The Pokemon that has the most variety to change is Eevee. In the first generation, it only had three variants, namely Vaporeon (water), Jolteon (electricity), and Flareon (fire).

In its development, the Eevee has five additional change variants, namely: Espeon (physics), Umbreon (dark), Glaceon (ice), Sylveon (fairy), and Leafeon (grass).

So, the total change that Eevee has is 8 changes. Additional notes, the name Eevee if reversed remains Eevee.

That's 10 interesting facts about Pokemon, gang! Do you have any other facts that Jaka hasn't mentioned? Write in the comments column, yes!

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