
6 controversial games that were blocked by the app store but passed on the google play store

It is known that there are many applications and games that have been well received by the Play Store but have not been accepted by the App Store for various reasons. Therefore, through the following article, we will tell you

Different operating systems, of course, different places where we will download the application. If Android have Google Play Store as the spearhead, then Apple have App Store which also provides tons of apps and games. The difference between the companies that own them, of course, will also make differences in the regulations imposed on each application and game that will be installed in both facilities store that.

It is known that there are lots of applications and games that have been accepted by users so far Play Store properly but not accepted by the App Store for various reasons. Therefore, through the following article, we will tell you what games are blocked by the Apple App Store but managed to pass on the Google Play Store.

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6 Controversial Games Blocked by Apple App Store But Passed on Google Play Store

1. OnLive

OnLive actually not a game but platform to play games based on cloud. Use cloud gaming, you can play a game through various devices such as PC, Android, and other devices. However, unfortunately, Apple has not approved the application with platform like this, so cloud gaming still limited to a few devices.

2. Smuggle Truck

Smuggle Truck is a game that takes the theme of people smuggling as the main story. This game requires you to drive a truck filled with immigrants who want to illegally enter the United States. App Store of course in action when receiving this game from the party developer. Even though the party developer reasoned that the Smuggle Truck was created as a medium of protest against United States immigration regulations which were too difficult to comply with if taken in a legal way.

3. Endgame: Syria

Gameplayits quite innovative because Endgame:Syria make news real-time as games. This game is shaped like trading games which raised the theme of the war in Syria. There are two phases that must be passed in this game, namely the political phase and the military phase. The theme, which is still too sensitive, is considered less suitable for inclusion in the App Store.

4. Phone Story

Game titled Phone Story considered controversial because he raised the story of how the journey of an HP, from manufacture to acceptance in the hands of customers. The sad thing is that this game tells about workers who are forced to work to mine iron in the Congo, to employees Foxconn who chose to end their life. Of course, Apple is not happy with themed games like this.

5. In a Permanent Save State

In a Permanent Save State also become one of the games that can not be accepted by the App Store. This game with a surreal theme tells the story of seven workers who used to work in the company Foxconn and ended up with suicide because the workload was too hard. Actually this game has good intentions because it tries to satirize the situation of workers in China who have exhausted their energy.

6. Sweatshop

Last one Sweatshop. Games that aresubmit to the App Store with the name Sweatshop HD It tells the story of a factory that employs workers of all ages as its workers. This game requires you to choose whether you want to use children as laborers or adults. Each has skills different, depending on experience. Of course, this game has drawn controversy because it tries to raise a story with the theme of bad manual labor. Even though this game was rejected by Apple App Store, but you can still find Sweatshop as a Flash game on the Internet. Apps Developer Tools xmodgames DOWNLOAD
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