
how to solve 'your connection is not private' problem when connecting to public wifi

Most public networks use what is known as a Captive Portal, which is an authorization or data security page that accepts the requirements to access a Wi-Fi network.

Most public networks use what is referred to as Captive Portal, which is an authorization or data security page that accepts the requirements to access a Wi-Fi network. The problem is a lot browser Modern browsers are pointing to this Captive Portal because of the new security protocol.

Technically, this issue occurs because of the widespread adoption of HTTPS across all websites, not just for the transmission of private data. So any protocol called HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) will force browsers to use HTTPS on all sites, even sites that only use HTTP.

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How to Solve 'Your Connection is Not Private' Problem When Connecting to Public WiFi

So, when you connect to Wi-Fi In general, the access request will be intercepted and redirected to the Captive Portal. Often times these accesses work normally without disturbing our connection, but sometimes these redirects are blocked by browser since it tries to redirect the access request to the HTTPS protocol before connecting to the server, this is actually natural as it is a security measure.

The solution is to force those redirects to use sites that don't use security protocol whatever, basically this method is the same as when we access the internet without a security protocol. So, what we can do is use a pure unencrypted connection. An unsecured connection will simply allow unsecured access redirect to the security.

So if it turns out that you are experiencing this problem, the example that most often appears is the message errorYour connection is not private , or you are connected to a public network but do not get Captive Portal Redirection access. Then it's easy, just open the window browser and type url in the page's address bar.

You will automatically be directed to the Captive Portal where you can accept the terms to resume normal connection again. Indeed sometimes Captive Portal will limit connections originating from the protocol HTTPS or HSTS which often causes problems for ordinary users. However, with the above method, connection problems error due to public WiFi connection can be overcome easily.

Second Way: Using Proxy

Proxies are often used to disguise a IP address. This method can be used to access sites that are blocked or blocked by users provider certain. Using a proxy can also solve the problem Your Connection is Not Private when connecting to Public Wi-Fi due to SSL issues that arose.

For users browserChrome and Firefox then you can use add ons called Anonymox and Browsec to make the connection back to normal again when connected to public Wi-Fi. This method can also be used to open sites that are blocked by the provider or that cannot be accessed through certain servers.

If you have other ways to solve problems when connecting to public WiFi, let's not hesitate to share via the comments column below. Hope it is useful.

$config[zx-auto] not found$config[zx-overlay] not found