
8 worst dotted games in history, regret playing!

The following worst games in history will ruin your happiness after playing. Are you curious about Jaka's version of the dotted game? Come on, see!

Games made for fun purposes. In fact, it can also be used as a learning medium. Everyone would be happy if invited to play, especially in free time.

The types of games themselves are very diverse, you can play traditional games or games that use digital equipment or video games.

Along with the times, children and adolescents are increasingly leaving traditional games. Then, switch to video games on consoles or mobile.

However, games are not always fun because there are also games that actually make you bored to the point of being annoyed when playing them. The following is a list of the worst games of all time that have been heavily criticized.

1. Charlie's Angels

Charlie's Angels first known as an exciting action film. However, in contrast to the game which is very bad in all aspects of the game.

This worst game was first released in 2003 for the GameCube and PlayStation 2. After its release, many people complained about this game.

Many have criticized the Charlie's Angels game as having very bad graphics, a boring story, and too easy to finish.

2. Fighter Within

Next up is the fighting game Fighter Within which was heavily criticized by all gaming media. Everyone is concerned about the sensor Kinect required to play this game.

In fact, the worst game in history has pretty good graphics for a game that was released in 2013 on Xbox One. Unfortunately, there are too many bugs in use Kinect.

This really makes the players annoyed and disappointed when playing it. This Fighter Within has been destroyed, and even only got a score of 24% from GameRankings.

3. AMY

Do you like horror games?

Make sure you don't try the game Amy here, gang. It's not that the game is so scary, but gameplayits very bad. There's even reviewer who said this game is very boring.

Amy tells the story of the adventures of Amy, the child who has autism with supernatural powers. He is accompanied by Lana who always protects him.

Unfortunately, the storyline of this game always makes players annoyed that they leave the game in the middle of the road. Not only that, the poor control also makes this worst graphics game even more destroyed.

4. Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust

Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust it is an adventure game released for various consoles. This game was first released in 2009, then plans to release an HD version.

However, the plan was canceled due to bad reviews from all game critics. Even IGN says that this game is not worth buying.

The reason is simple, Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust is very boring and has poor gameplay. Don't be tempted by the "adult" theme that this game offers, gang.

5. Batman: Dark Tomorrow

Who likes characters Batman? There are so many games with the main character Batman, but not all of them are as cool Batman Arkham series.

Batman: Dark Tomorrow is the worst dotted game in history you should avoid because it has very bad control and positioning.

This is mentioned by various well-known game media such as IGN, Game Informer, Game Spot, and others. You might even hate superhero characters without this one power.

In fact, this game is so bad, Game Informer gives a rating 0,75/10. If you're curious, just check the game on Xbox or GameCube.

6. Rogue Warrior

Bethesda believed to always produce quality games, but not this time. Rogue Warrior is an example of a game that shouldn't have been released, gang.

Not only is his playing style boring, but also a number of glitch which is very annoying. It doesn't stop there, the story given is very short and the climax is lacking got it.

Although this FPS game has pretty good graphics for its time, the game itself is very boring and not worth buying.

The game was released for various consoles in 2009 and is considered the worst game of its time.

7. Fake Ping

The next is Fake Ping which was released specifically for the Nintendo DS. You can play this game alone or offline multiplayer.

With the chat feature already owned by the Nintendo DS platform itself, Ping Pals is a game that has no clear benefits and the games that are owned are not very challenging.

Although it is safe to play for children, Ping Pals has been criticized a lot by the game media, and even considered unfit to be made into a game or the worst game in the world.

8. Free Fire

When you see that this battle royale game is included in the list, Jaka is sure that many of you are emotional. FF is often referred to as a game dotted or 8-bit (low quality) games.

Worst battle royale game it has earned such a reputation due to its lousy graphics, its predominantly kid community of players, identical to potato HP, and the absence of doors in the game.

Although often reproached by the players PUBG Mobile and CoD Mobile, but this game became one of the best-selling games on the Play Store, even beating its competitors.

Actually, this assessment is subjective, gang. If you are a connoisseur of this game, there is no need to be provoked by the emotions of other people's opinions. After all, the FF Indonesia eSports team is one of the best in the world.

That's the worst game ever and not liked by many people. In your opinion, which game is the worst?

Write your opinion in the comments column, yes. See you in the next article!

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