Social & Messaging

here it is! 10 ways Facebook privacy settings you should change

Surely you don't want your data to be used by people who are looking for profit. We will share how to set Facebook privacy..

To what extent do you respect your own privacy on social media, especially on social media? Facebook? As you know, after all Facebook is still the biggest social media.

Although Facebook has provided various related settings privacyUnfortunately, there are still many users who don't care or don't understand the importance of adjusting privacy and security settings.

If you just ignore it, your data on Facebook can also be used by third parties or people who are looking for profit. Surely you don't want to do you? Well this time we will share how to set Facebook privacy that you have to change!

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How to Set Facebook Privacy To Be Safe

Therefore, quoted from Techradar, here are the privacy and security settings that you must change on Facebook. The point is to prevent invasion of privacy.


1. Login Securely

Let's start from the beginning. So, if you login to the Facebook account from a shared computer PC (family or common PC), uncheck "Keep me logged in".

Well, if a question arises "Remember browser" like the photo above, better choose "Don't Save". But, if you activate it, you will get a notification if someone uses your PC to log into your Facebook account.

2. Go to Privacy Settings

Facebook has made a number of new changes to make privacy settings more accessible. To view it, click the lock button at the top right.

From there, you will see several privacy options. These include "privacy checks", "who can see my posts?", "who can contact me?", and "how do I get people to stop bugging me?".

Still not enough? You can also view other settings or visit privacy basics.

3. Privacy Check

From the privacy settings, now select the very top, which is "Privacy check". There are 3 steps to make sure you share with the right people.

First, whenever you create a status, you can control who can see it, so adjust accordingly. There's a "public" for everyone on or off Facebook to see, "friends," and other custom settings.

Second, you will see a list of applications that are connected to your Facebook. Please adjust, or remove permissions if you have never used the application.

Third, your profile information. This is very important. Starting from the phone, email, date of birth, and city of origin. Please set it, want to show or not.

4. Who Can See My Posts?

In this option, besides being able to set who sees your status post, you can also review who can see or find things you send, as well as who tagged you, with "Activity logs"

Oh yes, you can also see what other people see on your timeline and what your profile looks like when viewed by certain people.

5. Who Can Contact Me?

Furthermore, you can also set who can send friends to you. There are 2 options, namely everyone or friends of friends. So that people don't just send friend requests, select "friends of friends".

6. How do I get people to stop bugging me?

Is there someone you don't know bothering you? You can block that person or unfriend them and prevent them from contacting you again.

Just type your name or email. Well, you can also see all the blocked users.

7. Privacy Settings and Tools

For more detailed settings, click "View other settings. You can see more complete privacy settings and tools.

You'll see additional settings such as who can search for you using your email address, phone number, or whether you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile.

8. Chronology and Tagging Settings

Under privacy, there are chronology and tagging settings. From here, you can control who cantags you. You can also enable review of posts that are tagged in you, before they appear on your timeline.

Of course, you don't want to be marked by something that isn't clear, do you? Well, there are still some settings underneath to secure and manage your timeline.

9. Enable Login Alerts and Approval

The next step to secure your Facebook account is to enable login alerts. How, open Account Settings >Security and select "Login Alerts".

With this, you will get a login alert when someone logs into your account. Either from the device or browser which is not recognized.

10. Use Two-Step Authentication

This one is fairly important and must be activated. Set up login approvals for Facebook using your phone number for added security. Of course to prevent others from logging into your account secretly.

With this, even though they have user name and our Facebook password, we still won't be able to log in, because we need an additional code sent to the phone number.

Those are 10 ways to set Facebook privacy and security as well that you should review even if you need to change it. The goal is that your data is not used by others. Always protect your privacy. Good luck!

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