
3 ways to check company health bpjs bill 2021

It turns out that there is a way to check your BPJS Healthcare bill that you can easily do in 2021. Here's a guide!

You want to know how much your office deducted your salary for BPJS Kesehatan? Or are you an HRD who is learning how to calculate the company's health BPJS?

If previously Jaka had discussed the Easy Way to Check BPJS Bills Online, this time Jaka will discuss how to calculate your BPJS Health bill for your employees.

This article will help those of you who are confused about why % of your salary deducted to pay BPJS Health.

Jaka highly recommends that you read the article that Jaka has mentioned above because the methods are very similar.

Well, in this article, ApkVenue will discuss How to Check Company Health BPJS Bill easily and can be easily done by anyone.

1. Check BPJS Health Corporate Bills Via the Web

The first guide you can do is visit the BPJS Health website directly. Here's the guide:

  1. Go to BPJS Health website here.
  2. insert 13 Digit BPJS Health Card Number and Your Birthday.
  3. Finished! You will immediately see your bill.

2. Check BPJS Health Corporate Bills Via Application

You can check the BPJS bill of the Company through 2 different applications. You can use the BPJS Official Application or use a third-party application such as Tokopedia.

To know how to check the BPJS Healthcare bill through these 2 applications, please read the article below.


3. Check BPJS Health Bills Via ATM

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It turns out, you can also check your BPJS Healthcare bill by simply using an ATM.

You can also pay the bill at once. Here are the steps:

  1. Enter your debit card, then select menu Pay.
  2. Select menu Other.
  3. Select menu BPJS.
  4. choose BPJS Health.
  5. Select menu Business entity do not Individual, because it will be different.
  6. Input Company Health BPJS ID you right.
  7. Enter the amount of the bill that you must pay.
  8. Finished! All you have to do is continue the process until you have successfully paid your BPJS Health insurance bill.

Calculation of BPJS Health Contribution

You really have to pay attention to how to calculate BPJS Health offices so you don't get confused why there is always your BPJS discount.

There are 4 important points that must be considered in calculating BPJS Health offices based on Presidential Regulation No. 19 of 2016.

1. The amount of BPJS Health Office Contribution is 5%

The calculation is as follows:

  • 4% paid by company
  • 1% paid by employees through salary deductions
  • Contributions paid are valid for 5 family members (employees, husband/wife, and 3 children).
  • If you have more than four dependents, (eg have 5 children, parents, or in-laws) employees must pay an additional 1% fee per person.

2. Provisions for calculating BPJS contributions

  • The maximum limit for calculating PPU contributions (Wage Recipient Workers) is Rp8.000.000
  • The minimum wage as a basis for calculation is the City Minimum Wage (UMK)/Regional Minimum Wage (UMR)/Provincial Drinking Wage (UMP), meaning that each province must be different.
  • If the employee's wages are between the minimum wage (UMK/UMR) and IDR 8,000,000, the contribution is calculated from the employee's wages.

3. Class Division of Corporate Health BPJS

  • Class II: Employees who have a salary of IDR 0 to IDR 4,000,000

  • Class I: Employees with salaries between IDR 4,000,000 to IDR 8,000,000

4. Sample Cases and Calculation of Company Health BPJS Contribution

Case Example 1

At a Jalankucing company in Jakarta (2017 DKI Jakarta UMP IDR 3,600,000), Aji works as a data admin with a salary of IDR 3,000,000. So, the BPJS contributions that must be paid are:

Because Aji's wages are below the UMP, the basis for calculating BPJS contributions is using the DKI Jakarta UMP of IDR 3,600,000

  • 4% x IDR 3,600,000 = IDR 144,000 (Borrowed by the company)
  • 1% x 3,600,000 = IDR 36,000 (Deducted from Aji's salary)
  • Total BPJS contribution = IDR 180,000

Case Example 2

At Jalankucing, Fitri works as a Content Writer with a salary of IDR 6,000,000.

Because Fitri's salary is above the DKI Jakarta UMP (Rp 3,600,000), the basis for the calculation uses the salary as it is.

  • 4% x IDR 6,000,000 = IDR 240,000 (Borrowed by the company)
  • 1% x Rp6,000,000 = Rp60,000 (Deducted from Budi's salary) Total BPJS contribution = Rp300,000

Case Example 3

Rey, Content Manager earns IDR 10,000,000

Because Rey's wages are above IDR 8,000,000 per month, the basic calculation is IDR 8,000,000 (Maximum limit)

  • 4% x IDR 8,000,000 = IDR 320,000 (Borrowed by the company)
  • 1% x IDR 8,000,000 = IDR 80,000 (Deducted from Rey's salary) Total BPJS contributions = IDR 400,000

Case Example 4

Dika, works as an SEO Engineer with a salary of IDR 8,000,000 with 5 children

Because Dika's salary is above IDR 8,000,000 per month, the basic calculation is using her monthly salary + 2% because she has more than 3 children. (Remember! the maximum limit of children borne by the company is 3 people)

  • 4% x IDR 8,000,000 = IDR 320,000 (Borrowed by the company)
  • 1% x IDR 8,000,000 = IDR 80,000 (Deducted from Dika's salary)
  • 2% x Rp8,000,000 = Rp160,000 (Deducted from Dika's salary) Total BPJS contributions = Rp560,000

That's the way to check the BPJS Health Insurance bill that you can do.

Jaka is sure that the methods above are very easy for you to do. Please share and comment on this article to continue to get information, tips & tricks, and news about technology from

Also read articles about BPJS or other interesting articles from Naufal.

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