
how to remove video sound on all android

Don't want to have an awkward moment because the sound of the adult video you watch is heard by someone else? Here's how to remove video sound on Android.

Watching video from a smartphone is the most cool. Besides being flexible, aka you can do it anywhere, watching videos on a smartphone is indeed exclusive because you are the only one who enjoys viewing on your personal smartphone.

However, problems sometimes arise when you forget to bring your headset. When the video you want to watch is an adult video aka b*kep, and you want to watch it in a public place (for example, on a train trip), it will be awkward when the sound of the video other people hear.

It is not uncommon. We as smartphone users sometimes forget to set the volume to the slowest or even mute aka no sound. We would certainly be embarrassed if the sound of the video that was not supposed to be heard by others was broadcast very loudly.

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How to Remove Video Sound on All Android

To avoid the embarrassing things above from happening to you, this time Jaka will share tips that can prevent that from happening. Jaka will share tips about how to mute video on all android. How to do? Just follow the steps below:

  • Install app Timbre: Cut, Join, Convert MP3 which you can get on the Play Store for free.
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  • Open the application > Select the option "Mute"on menus"Videos".
  • Select video that you want to 'secure'.
  • Once selected, the application automatic will start the process of removing the sound in the video > The video is already in good condition without sound and it's safe for you to see in the crowd though.

That's how to mute video on all android. Although this method is effective for 'securing' you when watching adult videos, Jaka personally recommends that you don't watch videos like that too often. You'd better watch the useful videos on the JalanTikus YouTube channel!

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