
there is a ps4 game injection service in Indonesia, can it be pirated?

A good PS4 game, the process of making it is certainly difficult. Making the price of PS4 games quite expensive. But now, he said, there is a PS4 game injection service in Indonesia. Can it really be pirated?

Playstation is still the number one most popular console game in Indonesia. The latest version, currently there is Playstation 4. Where the technology of this console game is very sophisticated, so that the game display can be as good as real.

A good PS4 game, the process of making it is certainly difficult. Making the price of PS4 games quite expensive. But now, he said, there is a PS4 game injection service in Indonesia. Can it really be pirated?

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Here are the facts about PS4 Game Inject Services in Indonesia

If you are an activist or monitor several PS4 groups, surely you know that the issue of PS4 game injection services is currently hot. Some methods of injecting PS4 games that are currently being discussed are as follows.

  • HDD Clone method.
  • The Rapsberry Method.
  • Original Share ID method.
  • Share ID Carding or Stolen Method.
  • Web Exploit Method.
  • CFW method.

Is it true that with one of the six methods above we can play pirated games? To be clear, let's discuss one by one.

HDD Clone Method

For example, there is PS4 A with HDD A, then there is PS4 B with HDD B. By cloning HDD A to HDD B, what happens? The hope is to be able to play PS4 A games on PS4 B, is that right? In fact, both HDDs will have data damaged due to the PS4's DRM system.

This method used to exist and worked in firmware 2.50, but since then Sony has closed this loophole. But again, this method is not just doing a HDD clone as usual. But it takes a flasher (Teensy++ 2.0 or Raspberry Pi) to dump and flash the NOR chip.

Conclusion: Hoax

Rapsberry Method

There is a new method that uses the Rapsberry Pi and requires a NAND dump. But unfortunately on the forum source this method, this method is not released to the public. Aliases are only given a description without any clear details, or it can also be called private.

Conclusion: Rumors

Original ID Share Method

The name is share ID original, it is certain that this method works well normally. But unfortunately, there are limitations to this method. Where the maximum license is for three users, two online and one offline. The rest, of course you can't. If anyone claims to be able to do more, it's definitely a lie.

Conclusion: Can but limited to three users

Share ID Carding or Stolen Method

Carded and stolen accounts, this is the most dangerous. Because if you are caught using this stolen or stolen ID card, not only the PSN ID will be banned, but the console will also be banned by Sony. This is quite dangerous, because sellers of carded or stolen games often mingle with PS4 game injection services.

Conclusion: Can but the risk of getting banned console

Web Exploit Method

This method never existed. Then added that currently the web exploit or kernel exploit found by qwertyoruiopz, runs fine until firmware 4.55.

Conclusion: Hoax

CFW method

Firmware Key on PS4 firmware is still unsolved.

Conclusion: Rumors

Conclusion / Best Solution for Cheap Price PS4 Games

Photo source: Image: SpawnFirst

After discussing the six methods above, it can be concluded that PS4 can't play pirated games at all. The inject games on the Indonesian market are either the Original Share ID Method or the Share ID Carding Method.

This is the most dangerous. Because it is disguised with the words inject, the difference between the Share ID Original seller and the Share ID Carding seller is invisible. If you buy an inject game that uses the Original Share ID, the risk is that the game you bought is lost.

However, if you buy an inject game that uses Share ID Carding, you can be sure that your console will be banned and cannot be online forever. Of course, the impact makes the price of your PS4 console game fall in price.

But anyway, ApkVenue suggest don't use PS4 game injection services this. The reason is as follows.

  • The risk of using the game from the results of carding that ends up being banned.
  • Complicated game charging, had to send PS4.
  • If you weigh it, it's still much more economical and safer to buy a used BD or rent a BD or share the original ID without the lure of injecting.

So what if you want to play games at low prices other than pirated ones? Actually, Jaka has answered above, namely by buying a used BD or renting a BD or by sharing the original ID.


Now you know that the PS4 has not been pirated until now. After all, Jaka doesn't think you need a pirated copy. With the method above, ApkVenue thinks you can get PS4 games at low prices. Ok guys, share your opinion yes!

Also make sure you read the related articles Playstation or other interesting posts from Andalas son.

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