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how to make the easiest and most practical literacy video

Want to have interesting, inspiring content on social media? If you want, you must know how to make the most popular literacy videos below!

Along with the development of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram, and so on, people are becoming more expressive and massive in uploading their moments, whether with family or friends.

Not only that. The desire of its users to upload various anti-mainstream moments makes more creative content appear. You can even find all of that, for example, in a row This funny and hilarious Instagram account.

Well, one form of content that is currently boom currently is literacy videos. What does the content look like and how how to make a literacy video unique, cool, and creative? Check out the following reviews!

What is Video Literacy?

Photo source:

Outline, literacy videos is a type of video that combines images or photos with moving objects.

Usually this type of video is also added background song interesting and pearls of wisdom that you want to convey to the audience, whether it's family, friends, or people who see the content.

The purpose of someone making a literacy video is a lot. Starting as a place for religious da'wah, a form of romantic expression between couples, or just expressing the heart's content through creative content, gang.

Because this content is pretty much scattered on WA or IG stories, many people want to know how to make simple and easy WA or IG literacy videos.

Therefore, for those of you who want to know how to make a moving literacy video, let's follow the guide provided by Jaka below!

How to Make Literacy Videos

There are various ways to make your own literacy videos and you can do them both on PC or Android. Well, this time Jaka will only discuss about how to make literacy videos on Android because it is much easier and simpler.

Not only that, here you will also teach Jaka how to make 30-second or 15-second literacy videos according to your own tastes and concepts. So don't get hung up on a certain time, gang!

Later you will also know how to make literacy videos with music, considering that literacy videos usually include various types of music to add to the attractiveness of the content. Following guide on how to make literacy videos that you can sample!

How to Make a Motion Literacy Video

In literacy videos, you will usually see the effect of moving on the sky, river, or sea. Of course you need moving photo app that fits on your HP. This time ApkVenue will use the application Zoetropic.

Download now: Zoetropic - Photo in Motion

For those of you who want to know how to make moving literacy videos with your favorite styles and concepts, here's a guide!

Step - 1: Open the Zoetropic application, later you will enter a new screen. Press Tap here to get started, then select Gallery. Please select the image you want to create.

Step - 2: After that, select the Motion option. There you will find a yellow arrow.

Place the yellow arrow on the object you want to move. Make sure the object is sea, water flow/river, or cloud/sky yes!

Step - 3: After that, select the option Mask. This option will freeze all objects that are blocked in red so they don't move, for example buildings, mountains, rocks, land, and so on.

Step - 4: Here, you can create your content with music or text.

How to make a literacy video is quite easy. Choose an option Audio, then select music according to your taste, either from your cellphone folder or from a selection of music that has been provided by Zoetropic.

To create text is no less easy. Choose an option Text, then type the words of inspiration that you want to write. It is just which is a weakness, here you can't find the left, center or right alignment settings.

Step - 5: So, how do you see the teaser video that was made? It's so easy! You stay here press the triangle image the blue, purple, and green mosaic on the left side of the screen.

From there you can know what the results of your video will look like. If something is missing, just fix it, okay!

Step - 6: When you're done, all you need to do is press three dots symbol which is in the top right corner.

You are given the freedom to manage speed, repetitions, video time, as well as resolution. But if you feel you don't need it, just choose Save. It's up to you to save it in MP4 or GIF format, gang!

That was it how to make a moving literacy video by using a special application, in this case Zoetropic. You can also make literacy videos with other applications, you know!

How to Make Literacy Videos with KineMaster

One of best android video editing app which you can use to make literacy videos are KineMaster. You can download it below:

KineMaster Corporation Video & Audio Apps DOWNLOAD

Well, for those of you who are bored with how to make literacy videos with KineMaster, here's the guide!

Step - 1: Open the KineMaster application. There you will be faced with 2 options, Project Assistant and Empty Project. Because Jaka will guide you directly, choose Empty Project.

Step - 2: After that, you will enter the editing page with various menus in it.

The first thing you have to do is select the video/image you want to use. Therefore, click Media in the circle menu on the top right, then select the video/image you want to use.

Step - 3: After you specify the image/video, please set the duration you want, whether it's 15 seconds, 30 seconds, or whatever you like.

The method is simple, enough shift to the left or right on the part shown in the figure.

Step - 4: In the circular menu on the top right, you can add any content you want.

For example, you want to know how to make literacy videos with music. It's easy. Press options Audio, select the song you want to choose as part of your content, then press the red plus symbol.

If your music happens to be too long, you can adjust it yourself this way push the song, then select an option Trim/Split.

Step - 5: If you want to add text, press option Layers on the main menu, then select Text.

Later you can choose the best font for your content, complete with animations that will make your content even cooler, gang!

Step - 6: When finished, press option Export and Share in the upper right corner of the screen, then select Export.

That was how to make literacy videos with KineMaster. You can also beautify your content by cheating the best life motivational words on the Jalantikus sitelol!

That was the guide on how to make the easiest and most practical literacy video for you. Very easy, right? What do you think?

If, for example, you have a way to make other more creative and easier literacy videos, write them in the comments column below, OK! See you in the next Jaka article!

Also read articles about Videos or other interesting articles from Diptya.

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