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50+ Javanese love quotes and their latest meanings

Are you looking for Javanese love quotes that are romantic, funny, and wise at the same time? Please have fun!

Javanese is the local/regional language with the most speakers in Indonesia. That is why, Javanese is the language whose vocabulary is most widely absorbed into Indonesian.

Well, the Javanese language itself is famous for having a broad and deep meaning. In particular, if used as an expression of great love to a loved one.

It feels different if you kiss someone you love using Javanese love words. Sounds sweeter, more romantic, and melting, gang! Therefore, Jaka will share Javanese words of love with meaning so you can understand.

Aphorisms of Javanese Love

As Jaka said above, Javanese has a deeper meaning of vocabulary. Therefore, for those of you who want to seduce your partner with the local language, Jaka will share it the latest Javanese love words and best for you. Here's the list!

Romantic Javanese Love Words

Photo source: Tugu Hotel

The feeling of love will be more explosive if it is expressed in a beautiful expression. So, here are the words or romantic love quotes in Javanese finish. Guaranteed, your partner will instantly squeaky hear it!

Angger, I love your lyrics, I feel like you are different, Roso Bungah, and the natural world is stagnant, I want to see my netra.

When I look at you, I see that all the ends of this world's happiness have stopped for a moment in my eyes.

Iso shoes replace sandals, bamboo iso replaces wood, but ilingo siji ae doesn't like it if iso replaces me.

Shoes can replace sandals, bamboo can replace wood, but just remember that no one can replace you in my heart

I've never understood what it's like to kui tresno, I just met thanks to your slira.

I never knew what love was, except after meeting you.

Tresno agrees, he won't be afraid to die.

This love comes from the heart, will not change until death.

Ra knock on sak wetoro, I want to weruh your slira.

Haven't seen you for a while can't wait to see you again.

Rino wengi I tansah slira slira you.

Day and night I always think of you.

I sat down romantically, sing iso said sweet words, thinking I was just a humorous boy, sing iso said sweet.

I'm not a romantic person who can say sweet words, but I'm just a humorous person who can say sweet things

You don't need a promise to live as long as you can, the important thing is that you last until you die.

You don't need a promise to live as long as you die, the important thing is to be able to survive until you die.

You don't need a luxury urip, lek Ujung Ujunge Bubrah, just a simple urip and make you happy with your crew.

There is no need to live in luxury if the edges are broken, just live a simple life as long as you are happy with you.

When you're dewe podo podo adoh, you have to understand, siji sing, you won't play tresno until you die.

When distance separates us, one thing you should know, I will keep this love till death.

Me without your crew is like ice dawet ra diwei gulo.

Me without you is like ice dawet without sugar.

Words of Wise Javanese Love

Photo source: pellet shaman 2018

In addition to romantic quotes, you also have to know the words of love in Javanese language that are weighty and wise. This is because the Java language has deep philosophy, especially in everyday life. Instead of lingering, here's the list!

Tresno is not the standard for being handsome, your beautiful appearance, your akehe bondo, and what about your style.

Love is not based on your good looks, your beautiful face, your wealth, and your work.

Building Kromo Ingkang Satuhu, Boten is capable of taking on a sip of Roso Katresnan. Hananging needs blonde blonde Katresnan Lumeber Ning Uripmu Siji Kui's partner.

A successful marriage does not require falling in love once, but falling in love with the same person many times.

Akeh how to be happy, it's wrong if it's wrong to cuddle uwong sing in vain.

There are many ways to be happy, one of which is letting go of people who waste you.

Grandmother Jenenge, dear Kuwi Kudune, demands Dinggo's partner "Dadi Wongliyo" maybe Mergo is lacking.

If the name is dear, it should not demand that the partner be used "belonging to someone else" just because of his deficiency.

Jarene Wes is sincere de e karo sing liyo, how come it's okay to say Grandma, God, will take revenge, karma sing will take revenge. Mbok wes meneng wae luwih nice.

He said he had been sincere with others, why did he still say 'If God doesn't give revenge, karma will repay.' It's better to be quiet.

Uwong two girlfriends have to be patient with their partner. Opo maneh zinc not duwe.

People who have a boyfriend must be patient with the partner he has. What else do you not have?

Grandmother Jenenge, dear Kuwi Kudune, demands Dinggo's partner "Dadi Wongliyo" maybe Mergo is lacking.

If the name is dear, it should not demand that the partner be used "belonging to someone else" just because of his deficiency.

Mergo seng gaene chomping at chocolate will lose if seng gets to use a set of prayer tools and sings the contract song.

Because those who often give chocolate will lose to those who give a set of prayer tools and sing the contract song.

Grandmother Pancen Tresno has to be jogged, or not even keno godo marang wong liyo.

If indeed love must be maintained, not even consumed by the temptations of others.

Akeh manungsa feels like tresna, but lali lan doesn't know who is true tresno.

Many people feel love, but forget and do not know what the essence of love is.

Jenenge loves the ono age cake. Koyo to die. Yen wes geek agee, feel good mbok getuni. Ikhlash wae, God willing, God will paringi replace sik luwih slick.

Every love has an age. as death. When it has expired, it can no longer be extended. Just let it go, Allah will replace it for the better.

Sik jenenge roso tresno sik really, yo kuwi sik marane ati is getting excited. Marakne calm and mind awake dewe.

True love is what ignites the fire of passion in the heart, and brings peace to our minds.

Grandma is really happy when I'm awake, atine, and chaste. Ndang was asked to accept the offer, dudu was asked by Rono Rene to go out, it was clear.

If you really love, then take care of his body, his feelings, and his chastity. Immediately invited to marry, not wandering around, just being invited to go out here and there.

Funny Javanese Love Words

Photo source: Kompasiana

Besides being romantic, Javanese is also known to have a funny and funny vocabulary. This can complete the collection of funny and gokil words that Jaka has collected a while ago in this article.

Moreover, many studies have shown that a person far prefers a humorous and funny partner than just physical capital, gangs. So, just take a look at the list below!

My love for your crew is torn by the camera, your focus is when your crew is blurry.

My love for you is like a camera, focus on you only, everything else is blurry.

It's not important to think about the night of the week, it's important to think about the night of the proposal.

It's not important to think about weekend nights, what's important is the night of the proposal.

Mejikom ae nek is always connected because of electricity, maybe you are still dating, lost connecting because of e.

If you're cooking, the rice cooker is always connected to electricity, so if you're dating, you're losing connecting with him.

Bitter medicine, ae marake mari, mosok koe sing sweet marake loro.

Bitter medicine alone can make you heal, your sweet cooking makes you sick.

The upstream raft swims to the shore, my ex-Wes Neng Penghulu is still lonely.

The raft upstream swims to the shore, the former is already at the headwaters, I'm still lonely.

Tresno iku sometimes criping telo patch. Iso is ajur nek ora ati-ati le nggowo.

Love is like cassava chips. Can be destroyed if not carried carefully.

Witing tresno jalaran seko is often called rono-rono.

Love grows from being invited to go here and there.

Me without you is like a cat without rubber. Ambyar.

Me without you is like cat rice without rubber, crumbling.

My ex-girlfriend is a thin bedo, it's hard to move on.

The ex and the crush have a slight difference, both have a hard time moving on.

Gusti yen arek iku my soul mate tulung dicidakaken, yen mboten my soul mate tulung tulung be matched.

God, if he is my soul mate, please bring him closer, and if not, please match him.

Sing often snuggles with wong kudune, he is severely punished. Subject to the forcible disappearance of a mate.

Those who often abuse other people's girlfriends should be severely punished. Subject to the forcible disappearance of a mate.

Words of Love in Javanese Krama Alus

photo source: iamazinc.com

Javanese recognizes several levels of language, where Javanese Krama Alus and Krama Inggil are used for elders or in a more polite context.

Krama English is also used to express something seriously and deeply. Therefore, it is very fitting to use it to express your feelings, gang.

You can also use these words as a reference to make cool and meaningful WA statuslol! Here's a list of words of love in Javanese Krama Inggil!

I'm tresno kowe saklawase.

I love you forever

Witing Tresno Jalan Soko Kulino.

Fall in love because you get used to it.

I miss my heart half to death.

From the bottom of my heart, I miss you so much to death.

Every time I go to sleep, I'm having trouble thinking about your slira, seng ayu dewe.

Every day I always daydream thinking about the most beautiful you alone.

Maybe your slira is not strong enough.

You're the only one I'm waiting for.

Tresno, Iku Dudu, just want to donalan, do you want amargo kahanan?

Falling in love is not a game, it's all because of circumstances.

Rino wengi I tansah slira slira you.

Day and night I always think of you.

Senadyan I was very fierce with you, but Roso Ning ati ora was not deleted. Roso, I love you, maybe I'm not your slira.

Even though I really hate you. However, feelings in the heart can not be lied. The love that is in it is only for you.

Sakwise I met your slyra. Ra ono liyo, I really want to urip with your crew, I just want to dunyo this time.

When I met you. All I want is to spend time with you until the end of my life.

Words of Love in Javanese Language Troubled

Photo source: Tourist People

Not only means happiness, sometimes love also causes sadness, especially if your love is rejected by him. Therefore, ApkVenue will share the word breakup in Javanese that will make you automatically upset and sad!

My wish, I play iso time. Supoyo, I'm iso nemokne kowe, it's more fun. Ben Lewih dowo wektuku kanggo urip with your slira.

I wish I could turn back time. Where I can find you earlier and love you longer.

At least wedeni orep neng dunio is missing you, but wedi grandma is missing your happiness.

What you are most afraid of in this world is not losing you, but I am afraid that you will lose your happiness.

Arek lanang kuoso chose, arek wedok kuoso refused.

Boys are free to choose, girls are free to refuse.

For example, if you feel like kepriye rasane, your crew will surely not understand how you feel, sick and disappointed.

If you can feel what it's like to be me, you won't understand what it's like, pain and disappointment.

Iso ae I hate you but my memories are hard to swallow.

I can forget you but the memories are hard to forget.

I'm ra njaluk luweh, I'm idle njalok ojo lungo nek ati.

I'm not asking for much, I'm just asking not to leave my heart.

Koe kuwi koyo Bintang, sing is beautiful to look at but difficult to reach.

You are like a star, beautiful to look at but hard to reach.

Even though de e mek konco, but angger de e cedak karo wong liyo. Feeling jealous.

Even though he was only friends, but every time he was close to other people. It feels jealous.

Ben doesn't end up being disappointed, you have to know when to expect and when to stagnate.

In order not to be disappointed, we must understand when to hope and when to stop.

Wes overtime said it was a pity Jebule Wes nduwe was holding hands, Wes Kadung didn't see it, even left a memory.

I have already expressed my love, it turns out that I already have a partner, I have already seen it and even leave memories.

Iso nembang not iso nyinding, iso nyawang not iso nyanding

Can sing can't play the flute, can see can't accompany.

Your promise of Tresno is big, in fact it's okay to stay.

Your promise of love is great, in fact now you leave.

The era of filled tresno, aben dino in takokno. Saiki wes ra happy, aben dino just mature and nisto

When I was still in love, every day I was called/asked. Now it's no longer love, every day just looking for his shortcomings and insulting him.

This is Jaka's article about Javanese love quotes which are full of deep meanings of love. Hope it works for your partner, gang!

See you again in the next Jaka article!

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