
10 ways to tell the difference between a genuine and a fake iPhone, accurately!

It's easy to tell the difference between a real and a fake iPhone! Want to know how? Come on, see how to distinguish the most accurate iPhone original and KW here!

It's easy to tell the difference between a genuine iPhone and a fake iPhone, because iPhone replicas are getting more and more similar.

With the high number of people looking to buy used or new iPhones, rogue manufacturers are increasingly motivated to make super-similar iPhone replicas.

Therefore, buying a used iPhone especially cheap has a big enough risk. Don't let the iPhone you buy turn out to be a fake or a replica.

For that, let's take a look at some first tips on how to distinguish real and fake iPhone the following.

Tips on How to Distinguish Original and Fake iPhone

iPhone replicas have a super similar appearance to the original, so it's only natural that you really need to be careful when you want to buy a used or even new iPhone.

What's more, if the iPhone you want to buy is sold not in store Officially, gang. You have to really understand the difference between a genuine and a fake iPhone.

So that you don't regret it later, you can understand first some tips on how to distinguish a genuine and fake iPhone in full below.

1. App Store Support

Photo source: DDL (The existence of App Store support is one way to distinguish a genuine and fake iPhone).

It is commonplace that Apple's smartphone products have App Store in it which serves to download various applications.

But, this will be a different story if you buy a fake iPhone, aka a fake, gang. You see, generally fake iPhones don't have an App Store but are replaced by Google Play which is usually found on Android phones.

So, for those of you who are planning to buy an iPhone, but don't know how to tell the difference between a genuine iPhone and a fake one, try checking the App Store. Here's how.

2. Pay attention to the OS used

Apart from the App Store, HP operating system It's also a way to tell the difference between the original and the next fake iPhone that you need to pay attention to.

The original iPhone of course uses iOS as its operating system. While the average clone iPhone uses the Android OS because it is very easy to customize so that it can be similar to iOS.

To check it, you can go to the Settings menu and check the operating system it uses.

This OS check can be considered as an accurate way to distinguish the original iPhone and HDC because of course the OS versions of the two will be different.

3. Camera Quality

Photo source: Labana (Invite your friends who have a similar type of iPhone to make sure the difference between the original and replica iPhone cameras).

One of the reasons why the iPhone is very popular with people is the camera quality that doesn't lie, gang.

If most Android phones today are competing to give a beautiful effect to the user's face, iPhone camera it gives the photos as they are.

Even so, you can't just underestimate the quality of the original iPhone HP camera, especially with the resolution that is not as big as today's cellphones.

Well, to find the difference between the original and the replica iPhone camera, you should invite your friends who have a similar type of iPhone to compare them.

4. Pay Attention to iPhone Material

The iPhone is a smartphone made for the upper middle class and of course the materials used are even more premium.

Therefore, paying attention body material iPhone can also be a way to tell the difference between the original and the next fake iPhone that you can do, gang.

If your iPhone looks like it's using cheap plastic material, don't buy it because it's probably a fake iPhone.

Meanwhile, for how to distinguish the original and fake iPhone 8 Plus that has used materials body glass, you can check whether the glass material feels sturdy and strong.

Pay attention to specifications body of the type of iPhone you want to buy, and match the information with the items offered.

5. Check IMEI and iPhone Warranty (The most accurate way to distinguish genuine and fake iPhones)

Photo source: Apple (The most accurate way to tell a genuine and fake iPhone is to check the IMEI number).

Confused about how to tell the difference between an original and a reconditioned iPhone? If so, just check IMEI number-his! How to distinguish the original iPhone and KW is fairly accurate.

Before you buy an iPhone, you should first look at the number IMEI stated on the box. Then check through the official Apple website and enter the IMEI number.

If the appropriate information appears, it can be ascertained that the iPhone is original. But if not, then it is very likely that the iPhone is fake, gang.

Well, for those of you who are still confused about how to check iPhone IMEI, you can read Jaka's article below:

Tips on How to Distinguish Original and Other Fake iPhones...

6. Original iPhone Using Retina Display

For the point of how to distinguish the original and fake iPhone, this one is indeed quite difficult to do if there is no comparison.

Therefore, if you are planning to buy an iPhone, you should invite your friends who also have an iPhone so you can compare the difference in screen quality.

If it looks blurry, then the iPhone cellphone may not use it retina display and possibly fake.

You also need to know, retina displays are part of the technology of Apple products that were introduced on the iPhone 4. The retina display screen itself is very clear and smooth because it has a high resolution.

7. Screenshot button on Original iPhone

iPhone users must have known about this. That iPhone can take screenshots just by pressing lock and home button simultaneously.

However, this method usually can't be done on fake iPhones, aka replicas, gang. HP iPhoen replicas usually take screenshots in a different way.

Different operating systems make a replica iPhone will have a method screenshots different from the original iPhone.

Therefore, you can also check this for how to easily distinguish a genuine and fake iPhone.

8. Reasonable Price

The exact price can be one way to distinguish a genuine or fake iPhone. If you find an iPhone that is sold at a price below the market, then you need to be suspicious of its authenticity.

However, in this day and age, unfortunately, there are also many unscrupulous online sellers who charge normal prices for the fake iPhone products they sell to be more convincing.

So, if you intend to buy an iPhone online, you should first find out the store rating and reviews from other buyers.

In fact, the reasonableness of the price range is one of the clearest indicators in distinguishing genuine and fake iPhones.

9. View Features and Specifications

See features and specifications It can also be a reference for how to distinguish the original and fake iPhone, gang. You can first check whether there are special features or specifications that are different from the original iPhone product.

For example, for those of you who are confused about how to distinguish the original or fake iPhone 7, you can check whether the iPhone that you want to buy already supports the Touch ID feature or not and so on.

Each generation of iPhone will offer different specifications and features from each other, and this can be a differentiating indicator for you.

Therefore, before buying the iPhone you want, you should really understand first what features and specifications it offers so you can't be fooled by the seller, gang.

10. Existing External Memory on Fake iPhone

The name is also a fake iPhone alias replica, even though from the outside it looks identical but if you look deeper, there are still differences.

Many fake iPhones provide slots microSD on body the device. In fact, Apple itself has never even made an iPhone with slots MicroSD.

This characteristic of Apple does seem a little annoying for loyal iPhone users, but you can use this as a way to find out if your iPhone is genuine and fake.

So, if you find something odd like this, it is certain that the iPhone is fake, gang.

Those are some ways to differentiate between original and fake iPhones (replicas) that you can do when you want to buy a used or even new iPhone.

Oh yes, in addition to the tips above, pay attention to details cutting as well as original and fake Apple logo material you can also do to be more sure.

If you have other tips and tricks, don't forget to share them in the comments column. Good luck!

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