
how to not be seen online on whatsapp

There is a way not to be seen online on WhatsApp, gang. In this way, you can freely chat WA anytime without fear of being caught online!

Your boyfriend is angry on WhatsApp because you don't reply to the chat right away even though you look online? Or, the boss is chatting on WA asking for work updates even though it's already 10 pm?

Surely you want to find a way to keep replying to your boyfriend or boss but don't want to appear online on WhatsApp, right? If you're looking for a way to keep WA from being seen online, that's perfect!

Because, this time ApkVenue will give tips on how to set WhatsApp so that it doesn't appear online on iPhone or Android, until people believe you are offline.

To make WhatsApp invisible online and typing, you can follow the tutorial how to not be seen online on WhatsApp which ApkVenue will explain below!

How To Make WhatsApp Invisible Online and Typing

In addition to making WA tick one, there is also a way to make WA look offline even though online which Jaka will discuss now is very easy, fast, and doesn't require any additional applications, gang.

This online indicator on WhatsApp is actually used to provide more convenience for its users, but often it actually makes users feel uncomfortable.

So that you are not required to quickly reply to your boss or crush, here are the following how to not be seen online on WA which is easy and practical.

1. How to Remove Online Posts on WhatsApp Through Settings

For those who want to be free from WhatsApp chat disturbances on the weekends, here are the steps on how to prevent WA from being seen online by contacts that you can follow.

Step 1: Open WhatsApp App

  • First, open Whatsapp and select three dots button which is in the upper right corner of the WhatsApp menu

Step 2: Enter the Settings Menu

  • After the new selection window opens, go to the menu Settings or Settings in your WA application.

Step 3: Select Account Menu

  • Select menu Account or Account to bring up a new option for online status on your WhatsApp.

Step 4: Click Privacy Menu

  • Next select menu Privacy or Privacy. In this menu later how to eliminate online time on WhatsApp can be activated.

Step 5: Click Last Seen

  • Click menu Last Viewed or Last Seen. Last seen This will provide information about the last time you were seen online.

Step 6: Turn Off Last Seen Status

  • Finally, choose There is not any or No One so that your WhatsApp status will not be seen by anyone.
  • However, if you only want your contacts to be able to see your online status, please select My contact.

Finished! It's very easy not to make your WA invisible online. This way, you don't have to be afraid of being chased by your boss or girlfriend.

The method above will actually only give a temporary effect. If you open WhatsApp and chat with other people, your status will still look Online.

But, don't be disappointed just yet! Jaka has an additional trick so that your WhatsApp online status really doesn't look online. So, you don't need to temporarily disable WA.

How to Remove Online Posts on WhatsApp More...

In addition to how to prevent WA from being seen online by the contacts that Jaka explained above, there are still some additional things you can do, gang.

Then, how to avoid being seen online in WA at all? In order not to be more curious, immediately see the full explanation below!

1. Delete profile photo

By deleting your profile photo, people will trust you more totally inactive using WhatsApp or in other words you are really busy.

Deleting a profile photo can also give the impression that your connection is in error and so on. Because the WA profile photo displayed is invisible.

How to look offline on WA is actually very simple, but logically can be a strong reason when asked later.

2. Reply to WhatsApp on the HP Homescreen

Well, if this method is the most powerful and efficacious way. After you deactivate your Last Seen, you will now be safe to view and reply to WhatsApp via HP Homescreen you.

When you reply to a WhatsApp chat via the Homescreen on your cellphone, your WA status will not appear online at all, gang.

But, to be able to apply this method of eliminating online time on WhatsApp properly, you have to be careful and don't rush to shift incoming notifications.

3. Delete "Typing..." Status

To be more convincing, you also have to apply a way so that WhatsApp does not appear to be typing on your cellphone, gang.

This way so that whatsapp does not appear online and typing can only be done using the advanced WhatsApp application, namely GB WhatsApp.

This application so that WA is not online has many other excellent features, one of which is disabling WA calls.

Interested in using this amazing application, gang? You can directly download it via the link provided below.

Download GBWhatsApp here!

GBWhatsapp Social & Messaging Apps DOWNLOAD

4. Fake Last Seen

In addition to how to turn off the WhatsApp online code that Jaka reviewed above, you can also try how to make fake Last Seen on WhatsApp, gang.

However, this method cannot be done on the official WhatsApp application and can only be done by WhatsApp MOD APK, one of which is GBWhatsApp.

Well, if you're curious about how to avoid being seen online on WhatsApp by faking Last Seen, you can check out the tutorial in the article below!


How? How to not be seen online on WhatsApp What Jaka reviewed earlier is very easy to try, right? Guaranteed 100% WORKS!

Now you don't have to worry about replying to messages automatically and quickly anymore. Life can be more calm and relaxed.

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